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Recent and Upcoming Carol Denney Performances......

March 4th, 2025, "Light for Our Democracy" 5 pm at 505 Van Ness (at Mc Alister to counter-protest the Trump speech in front of Congress, part of a national response to the threat to democracy organized with Art Persyko and the crew. Come, bring your instruments, voices, and signs. It is so happening.

Celebration of For All on Saturday, September 28, at noon PT. For All is an anthology of poets connected to the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. Online link is here Enjoy.

Saturday, 7:00 pm, September 14, 2024, Beat Museum in San Francisco with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. Book launch and reading of contemporary poetry and song, free, including Adrian Arias, Mahnaz Badihian, Lisbit Bailey, Lynne Barnes, Virginia Barrett, Judith Ayn Bernhard, Charles Curtis Blackwell, Romeo Alcala Cruz, John Curl, Lucille Lang Day, Carol Denney, Mauro Ffortissimo, Luis Garcia, Rfael Jesus Gonzalez, Martin Hickel, D. L. Lang, Kirk Lumpkin, Karen Melander Magoon, Sarah Menefee, Tureeda Mikell, Edward Mycue, Barbara Paschke, Gregory Pond, D.A. "Roarshock" Wilson, Kurt Schweigman, Kim Shuck, Raymond Nat Turner, Michael Warr, Cathleen Williams, Nellie Wong, Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis, Andrena Zawinski. Everybody welcome. The Beat Museum is at 540 Broadway (at Columbus). 1-800-537-6822 for more information.

Monday, 11:00 am, September 30, 2024, North Beach Library at 850 Columbus Avenue in San Francisco. Poetry and song celebration joining 100,000 Poets for Change across the globe. 415-355-5626 for more information.

Saturday, April 27, 2024, Strings show with musicians Carol Denney, Steve Baughman, and David Cronin. Strings is a membership club, so if you're not a member contact me (510-548-1512 so I can put your name on the list for the night, glad to do it. More information about Strings at (510) 653-5700, address at 6320 San Pablo Ave, Emeryville, 94608, 1/2 block south of Alcatraz on San Pablo Avenue, street parking nearby is pretty good and it's right on the 72 busline. This show I get to share the stage with two of my favorite people and favorite players whose guitar styles are completely unique, as is mine. We are guitar nerds with an exponent of 10. And then we jam.

Sunday, 3- 5 pm April 7, 2024, People's Park Teach-in and Tunes Storytelling Circle hosted by David Axelrod and Carol Denney, ( we can stay later if we need more time for participants), Art House Gallery, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, Donations of snacks and beverages to share welcome. Donate what you can for the door, we want the hall to stay healthy and raise what we can for the park's defense. Got a story about People's Park? We want to hear it. Got a tune or poem about People's Park? We are all ears. David Axelrod is one of People's Park's original gardeners and attorneys who was the field coordinator for People's Park's native plant garden in the east end, the first of its kind, a participatory, UC-accredited native plant garden which illustrated all nineteen biosphere's of California's unique ecological landscape. Free maps of the design for everybody. People's Park Cartoon Chronicles available at a discount.

Friday, September 22, 2023, 6:00 pm Beat Museum, 540 Broadway (at Columbus) with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade; Anthology release.

Thursday, September 14, 2023, 6:30 pm Sopa Thai in Yuba City, CA. Part of a collection show of local musicians including folksinger Rick Rawlingson.

Friday, September 1, 2023, 7:00 pm Outside Maacharini Creative Design 1544 Grant Street, San Francisco. Part of the First Fridays festivities, come take the art walk.

Sunday, April 23, 2023, 11am to 6pm, People's Park's 54th Anniversary celebration and celebration of the life of co-founder Michael Delacour. I'm playing a solo set with anyone handy, part of a long lineup including park luminaries from decades ago. Come learn some history in the park that stopped a war.

Monday, March 120, 2023, Morgan's Mill, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm in Woodland, CA, with Jimmy Bruno & others for an acoustic showcase.

Sunday, March 19, 2023, at Lost Church, Carol Denney with Steve Baughman at 988 Columbus in San Francisco (cross street Chestnut; venue just shy of the SW corner of the intersection). It's worth the trek to see this speakeasy-style acoustic hall and the loving care put into it by its amazing staff. If you've never seen Steve Baughman, well trust me, you will be mindblown. He's astounding.

Friday, March 3, 2023 at the Monkey House, Carol Denney with Jimmy Bruno and Hiram Bell, all masters of their craft. The Monkey House is at 1638 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703, easy street parking and bus access. We really hope you are vaccinated. We'll probably do two sets in the round and there's great refreshments. Hiram, Jimmy, and I go back decades, so this is like home base.

Feb.23rd, 2023, Thursday, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Sopa Thai restaurant, 720 Plumas St. Yuba City, Ca. It's only about 90 minutes north from Berkeley. You'll hear Carol Denney as a feature along with her old friend and sterling folk performer Rick Rawlinson, as well as some additional local talent. Excellent food! This is a show that will remind you what it's all about

December 10, 2022, 11 am, Get Your Tickets To Mars! We are planning to have an event on the madness of Musk and capitalism at San Francisco's Twitter headquarters, 1355 Market Street (at 10th) We have a link to and link with other groups and organizations. Music by David Rovics, Jimmy Kelley, Carol Denney, poets and art work on the 10th which is also Human Rights Day. We hope to contact laid off Twittter workers in SF and around the world where he illegally laid them off in Japan and other countries and have them participate and speak if they are willing. If you can contact artists, poets, musicians and commedians we can have an powerful event. Also if you know artists in orther countries who want to contribute to this international event. I plan to play Sleeping in my Tesla.

Saturday, November 5, 2022, 7:00 pm - Revolutionary Poets Brigade & others present Women - The First Target featuring Carol Denney and international poets at the Beat Museum in San Francisco highlighting the oppression of women yes, with humor. The Beat Museum is 540 Broadway near Columbus Avenue, only ground floor accessible, Phone: (800) 537-6822 for more information.

International Zoom Launch for the Revolutionary Poets Brigade's new anthology, Storm Warming, at noon on September 24, 2022, with international poettry from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade crew. Contact Revolutionary Poets Brigade for link, through Kristina Brown,

Thursday, September 22, 2022, 7:00 pm - Revolutionary Poets Brigade Storm Warning book launch at the Beat Museum in San Francisco with RPB & international poets. The Beat Museum is 540 Broadway near Columbus Avenue, only ground floor accessible, Phone: (800) 537-6822 for more information.

Saturday, September 17, 2022, 6pm to 10pm, Art House Gallery and Cultural Center hosts a show in honor of Eliot Kenin, songwriter and activist, featuring Spirit of '29, Carol Denney, Hali Hammer, Pat Wynne, Randy Berge, and Jimmy Kelly. Potluck at 6:00, music at 7:00 until 10:00 pm. 2905 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley. Call (510) 472-3170 for more information.

Sunday, September 11, 2022 - Failure to Disperse (Jim Nelson and Carol Denney) at the Solano Stroll, 1pm to 2pm and 3pm to 4pm at Solano and Ensenada, 1744 Solano Avenue, bring your fiddle.

April 24, 2022 - People's Park 53rd Anniversary with many others, see People's Park's website. And no, I don't know exactly when I'm playing; it doesn't work that way.

March 8, 2022, 7:00 pm Pacific time - Revolutionary Poets Brigade International Women's History Event with RPB & international poets - zoom event at

Sunday, March 6, 2022 - UC campus's Morrison Hall for the World Concertina Day event along with other metal reed mavens.

December 19, 2021 - Telegraph Holiday Fair, Telegraph Avenue and Durant Avenue, Jim Nelson & Carol Denney play whatever they want to play...

October 2021 - Augusta Heritage Center Events in Elkins, West Virginia until Nov. 6, 2021, and I wish you all would come, too.

Saturday, September 25, 2021,12:30 pm, 100,000 Poets for Change Event with FEATURED POETS: Nahid Aria, Mahnaz Badihian, Lisbit Bailey (HOST), Scott Bird, Dan Brady, Kristina Brown, Buford Buntin, John Curl (CO-HOST), Lucille Lang Day, Diego Deleo, Carol Denney, Maya Khosla, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, Barbara Paschke, Antoinette Vella Payne, Alice Rogoff, Sally Love Saunders, Nina Serrano, Kim Shuck, David Leo Sirois, Martin Vernon, Wendy Wolters, and more (yipes!). contact me (510) 548-1512 or email for link.Lisbit Bailey hosting and sending out the zoom link beginning of September. John Curl co-hosting.

Saturday, July 31,2021, 6:00 pm, Laborfest Ferryboat Tour with historians and musicians and food and drink and singing. Reservations available now at and Come vaccinated!

Friday, July 23,2021, 4:00 pm, in-person Laborfest Rally to support UAW & striking mineworkers at 400 Howard Street in SF in front of Black Rock with Carol Denney, Pat Fahey, and others bringing focus to the Alabama miners strike and Black Rock's greed. Come vaccinated!

Sunday, July 18, 7:00 pm, in-person Laborfest Event with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade at Spec's on 270 Columbus Avenue in San Francisco. Pick up a copy of the new Anthology, sing with the poets including Jack Hirschman, Sarah Menefee, Mahnaz Badihian, John Curl, Lincoln Bergman and many more. Come vaccinated!

Laborfest Event - Saturday, July 3rd, 2021, Anne Feeney Spirit Lives, time tba with Jimmy Kelley, Carol Denney, Matt Siegel, and other musicians singing recently passed activist and musician Anne Feeney's songs and labor songs over Zoom with you, which I hope we can do live someday soon. I plan to sing "Plane Wreck at Tuzla", a song by Anne Feeney and one of the finest parodies ever written, about a plane that went down in Croatia carrying a cargo of CEO's whom I'm sure are greatly missed. for more information

Thursday, 1:00 pm (Pacific time) June 24, 2021, Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology Event - RPB Poets present work from the latest Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology online Time: Jun 26, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada). Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 2275 1848

Saturday, June 12th, 2021, Slainte, 131 Broadway, Oakland, CA, (in person) with Sons of the Buccaneers or Shipwrecked Shanty band with Steven Strauss, John Palme, Jim Nelson, Mika, Carol Denney and many masked, distanced revelers. A great Irish bar with a rocking patio.

Saturday, June 12th, 2021, San Francisco Free Folk Festival online, Carol Denney featured doing bunches of funny pandemic-born songs with one crankie called "Kale, Kale, Why So Much Kale" and tons of singers and dancers doing completely unexpected stuff because we're all going crazy in our home studios looking forward to a fully vaccinated world. Thanks especially to Max Newton, who composed my Zoom nonsense into something navigable if not intelligible.

Sunday, April 25, 2021, 52nd Anniversary of People's Park in People's Park from noon to 6:00 pm on the block between Telegraph Avenue, Dwight Way, Bowditch Street, and Haste Street in Berkeley, California, with David Axelrod, Carol Denney, Maxina Ventura, EasyDoesIt, Afterthought, Luna the Blooma, WayFairy, Andrea Pritchett, Aidan Hill, Roosevelt Stevens, Axe, Chameili, Sarchasm, Freddie, Jordan Huez, Anonsounds, and open mike opportunities for the inspired.

Monday, March 8th, 7pm Zoom event, International Women's Day Poetry event featuring poets from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade including Manaz Badihian, Clara Hsu, Devorah Major, Jami Proctor Xu, jeanne Powell, Nina Serrano, Victoria Brill, Kristina Brown, Lisbit Bailey, Sarah Menefee, Barbara Paschke, Karen Melander Magoon, and Carol Denney. Contact Carol Denney (510-548-1512)or email for Zoom link.

Saturday, February 27th, songs of the sea with Sons of the Buccaneers at Quinn's Lighthouse, 1951 Embarcadero in Oakland. Carol Denney on fiddle and English concertina. Wear masks, stay 6 feet part, no kissing. Jim Nelson, John Palme, Steven Strauss, Mika, Carol Denney, and friends.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Noon to 2:30 pm , Unitarian Universalist (Geary at Franklin), SF, rally for Justice and Democracy, part of Protect the Results movement organized by Indivisible -- link:, San Francisco. Wear masks, keep safe distances, bring water. March to City Hall after the rally.

Thursday, October 29, 2020, 6:00 0 8:30pm at Quinns Lighthouse, 1951 the Embarcadero, Oakland, with Sons of the Buccaneers James Nelson, Steven Strauss, Mika, John Palme, and Carol Denney with special guests. Shanties and songs of the sea live streamed on Facebook somewhere, but also for the cool Quinn's regulars. This may be our last gig in this time frame since it's cold, and we might move to a Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, October 24, Noon, March for Democracy Rally at Mission High School steps. I'll be joining speakers and singers calling for peaceful opposition to voter suppression. 3750 18th Street & Dolores, San Francisco. Wear masks, keep safe distances, bring water. March to City Hall after the rally.

Thursday, October 22, 2020, 6:00 0 8:30pm at Quinns Lighthouse, 1951 the Embarcadero, Oakland, with Sons of the Buccaneers James Nelson, Steven Strauss, Mika, John Palme, and Carol Denney with special guests. Shanties and songs of the sea live streamed on Facebook somewhere, but also for the cool Quinn's regulars.

Thursday, October 15, 2020, 6:00 0 8:30pm at Quinns Lighthouse, 1951 the Embarcadero, Oakland, with Sons of the Buccaneers James Nelson, Steven Strauss, Mika, John Palme, and Carol Denney with special guests. Shanties and songs of the sea live streamed on Facebook somewhere, but also for the cool Quinn's regulars.

Thursday, October 8, 2020, 6:00 0 8:30pm at Quinns Lighthouse, 1951 the Embarcadero, Oakland, with Sons of the Buccaneers James Nelson, Steven Strauss, Mika, John Palme, and Carol Denney with special guests. Shanties and songs of the sea live streamed on Facebook somewhere, but also for the cool Quinn's regulars.

Saturday, April 4, 8-10pm, Clock Tower Music, 676 Laurel St., San Carlos (101 S to San Carlos, exit 411, right on Holly St., left on Laurel) with Jim Bruno and Hiram Bell. BYO anything you'd like to drink or contribute. Great music in a pick up some strings scene.

Saturday, March 7, 12-2pm, the Hidden Cafe in Strawberry Creek Park , 1250 Addison Street (between Bonar and West) with Carol Denney on fiddle, Catherine Rose Crowther on banjo, Ingrid Crickmore on guitar, and Bob Ellis on auto harp. Old time tunes and truly great food.

Wednesday, December 18th, 2019, 7:00 pm Annual year-end benefit for Strings, Carol Denney and stalwart Strings performers, private club (you're invited if you're seeing this and you mention you are my guest) at 6320 San Pablo Ave, Emeryville, CA 94608, 1/2 block south of Alcatraz on San Pablo Ave, just south of Berkeley. There is no sign. Just knock. For more info: (510) 653-5700 BYOB donations welcome and great jam afterwards.

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019, 1:00 pm Annual year-end Grey Panthers celebration, 1833 Page Street, San Francisco, CA.

Sunday, December 15th, 2019, 12:00 pm People's Park Concert with Carol Denney, David Axelrod, Michael Smith, Hali Hammer, Dapper Shindig Band with facepainting and more. One block east of Telegraph between Haste and Dwight, part of the big Holiday Fair.

Friday, December 6th, 2019, Carol Denney playing at 7:00 pm at the Beat Museum with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade for the release of "A World Without Wars", an anthology of poets including Jack Hirschman, Diego De Leo, John Curl, Judith Bernhard, Nellie Wong, Sarah Menefee and others. It's a great scene. The Beat Museum is at 540 Broadway, near Columbus, San Francisco, CA.

I'll be playing 2 pm Saturday, October 26, 2019, at the El Cerrito Folk Festival with Transit of Earth for the community dance- come join us.

I'll be playing October 14 through 19, 2019, at the Augusta Music Heritage Festival Oldtime Week and Fiddlers Reunion in Elkins, West Virginia .

Saturday, 2:00 pm October 5th, 2019, 518 Valencia, San Francisco, panel on Art and Politics - the Arnautoff Murals and the Coalition to Protect Public Art with Jack Heyman, Tamaka Bailey, Carol Denney, Lope Yap Jr., Steve Zeltzer and others discussing the current state of the fight against censorship and the privatization of public schools.

Saturday, 7:30-10:00 pm, June 22, 2019, Art House Gallery special show with songwriters Carol Denney and Jimmy Bruno. BYOB, suggested donation $10-$20. Potluck great, too, if you can manage. Not only does the Art House Gallery support the things you care about, it supports us, too. Let them know you appreciate them and tell your friends.

Thursday, 7:00-9:00 pm, May 30th, 2019, Cafe' Chiave at Dwight Way and San Pablo Avenue, Carol Denney with Max Newton and Wendell Wolff - songs and singalongs in a cool cafe with a full menu.

Saturday, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, May 4th, 2019, Starry Plough panel on People's Park with activist musician Carol Denney, park founder Michael Delacour, activist and artist Eddie Monroe, and others including Chancellor Carol Christ singing "The Chancellor's Song." Sunday, April 28th, 2019, People's Park 50th Anniversary - yes, this year there are two - from noon to dusk with lots of music, information tables, dancing, food, and Carol Denney around 5:00 pm singing "I Saw the Light at the North County Jail" along with you if you make it there. Come sing. And call the mayor 510-981-7100 who campaigned on respecting People's Park and then betrayed it despite its landmark status.

Thursday, 7:00pm April 25th, 2019, Cafe' Chiave at Dwight Way and San Pablo Avenue, Carol Denney with Max Newton and Wendell Wolff - songs and singalongs in a cool cafe with a full menu.

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019, People's Park - "Art in the Movement Forum", panel exploring the use of Visual Arts, Music, Poetry, Essays, Performance and Guerilla Theater – Wavy Gravy, Ed Monroe, Carol Denney, Elise Dimik, Nancy Schimmel, others, Dwinelle Hall, Room 246 – 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Saturday, April 13th, 2019, People's Park 50th Anniversary from noon to dusk with lots of music, information tables, dancing, food, and special visit from Chancellor Carol Christ AKA Grace Underpressure at about 4:30 pm singing her "Chancellor's Song" with the UC regents. Don't miss this, and enjoy the preview at

Saturday, 8:00 pm March 16th, 2019, Celebrate People's Park Concert and Benefit at The Art House Gallery, potluck and gathering at 2905 Shattuck, Berkeley 94705, (info: 510 472 3170) doors open for potlluck 7:00 pm, show at 8:00 pm featuring songwriters and activists David Axelrod, KT, and Carol Denney, with special guests.

Saturday, March 9th, 2019, The Monkey House, doors open 7:00 pm, show at 7:30 pm featuring songwriters Max Newton, Carol Denney, and Wendell Wolff. Address: 1638 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703, Phone: (510) 898-1979. Songs, songs, and more songs.

Wednesday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, February 27th, People's Park Panel and Q&A at Eshleman Hall, 5th Floor Bayview Room. The History and Struggle for People's Park Panelists- Jim Chanin, American civil rights attorney, and former member of the City of Berkeley/University of California Committee around Berkeley’s People’s Park, from 1990 to 1994. Dan Siegel, American civil rights attorney, former student activist and leader in Students for a Democratic Society from 1967-1970 while at University of California, Berkeley's School of Law. Carol Denney, Award-winning musician, published poet, "Fiddlers for Peace" founder, curator of the "Deep Poetry Project", and editor of the Pepper Spray Times. 2004 honoree by the City of Berkeley for homeless advocacy, and 2003 honoree for civil liberties activism by the Berkeley Commission on the Status of Women. Joe Liesner, East Bay Food Not Bombs member and activist. Andrea Pritchett, founding member of Berkeley Copwatch, and Berkeley Police Review Commissioner An opportunity for a short lecture and discussion about People's Park, its history, and its future.

Tuesday, 5:00 pm, February 26th, People's Park DeCal class at 60 Barrows on the UC Berkeley campus just east of Sproul Plaza behind the administration building, an opportunity for a short lecture and discussion about People's Park, its history, and its future.

Monday, 7:00 pm, February 25, 2019, The Freight and Salvage presents "The Folk This! Songbook" a sing-along hosted by Carol Denney and starring Marcus Duskin, Steven Low, Jim Nelson, and Carol Denney; a lusty one-hour story of one man's introduction to and love affair with folk music as told by local theater's Marcus Duskin, founder of Folk This! and one of its best story-tellers. Note the early start time! Discount for early tickets at (510) 644-2020. Songbooks provided!

Friday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm, February 8th, Cafe Chiave, A descendant of the historic North Beach cafe, this espresso purveyor hosts live musicians & poets. Address: 2500 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702, featuring songwriters Max Newton, Carol Denney, and Wendell Wolff. Phone: (510) 548-5198

Saturday, November 3, 7:00 pm, Octopus Literary Salon; Carol Denney joins Jimmy Bruno for a night of original songs by two of the Freight and Salvage's very best purveyors of the art and craft of song. Literary events, music and more in a quaint, versatile space with an American cafe & plenty of books. 2101 Webster St #170, Oakland, CA 94612 Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 9PM Phone: (510) 844-4120 for more information.

Sunday, October 14 at noon, rededication of the People's Park mural; Carol Denney joins other singers, speakers, and poets to rev up park supporters to oppose the University's current plans to (of course!) turn People's Park into housing. They admit they have ten sites to choose from but for some reason this one is the one they want to start with. You gotta love it.

SF Fringe Festival "The Folk This! Songbook" starring Marcus Duskin, 6:00 pm Saturday, September 15th, 2018 at the Exit Theater, 156 Eddy St, (near Powell St. BART) San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 673-3847, a lusty one-hour love affair with folk music with theater's Marcus Duskin, founder of Folk This! and one of its best story-tellers.

SF Fringe Festival "The Folk This! Songbook" starring Marcus Duskin, 7:00 pm Tuesday, September 11th, 2018 at the Exit Theater, 156 Eddy St, (near Powell St. BART) San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 673-3847, a lusty one-hour love affair with folk music with theater's Marcus Duskin, founder of Folk This! and one of its best story-tellers.

SF Fringe Festival "The Folk This! Songbook" starring Marcus Duskin, 7:00 pm Thursday, September 6th, 2018 at the Exit Theater, 156 Eddy St, (near Powell St. BART) San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 673-3847, a lusty one-hour love affair with folk music with theater's Marcus Duskin, founder of Folk This! and one of its best story-tellers.

Sunday, September 9th, Solano Stroll with Failure to Disperse (at Neilson and Solano) two afternoon sets 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm banjo, fiddle and bass for your strolling sing-along enjoyment.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival, July 22 through August 13, 2018 in Elkins, West Virginia. Come enjoy the mountains and hear the music the mountains made. I'm playing on the porch with Waltz Across Breakfast.

5:45 pm Sunday, July 15, 2018, music for the Labor Maritime History Boat Tour (still tickets!) $45 per person, $25 6 to 12, a labor tour hosted by historians Harvey Smith, Gray Brechin, and labor workers, authors, poets, etc. Come sing, come learn the storied labor history of the Bay from the most beautiful setting, the water, from the voices of those who made the history. Call (415) 642-8066 for reservations or contact by email at then send a check to LaborFest, PO Box 40983, SF, CA 94140. We will be gathering to the left of Pier 39, toward Pier 41 (Blue and Gold Fleet) and please be there at least 1/2 hour before departure at 6:00 pm - there's a little paper work. Complimentary meal, full bar available, lots of sing-alongs, and this will sell out, so sign up! It's unbelievable fun.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018, Berkeley Marina celebration and fireworks Carol Denney and Jim Nelson as Failure to Disperse are part of the acoustic music lineup running from noon until 10PM. Free family fun in an alcohol-free environment culminating with fantastic fireworks.

Saturday, June 9, 2018, San Francisco Folk Festival, 12:30 pm, 12 noon – 10 pm workshops, dancing, and music all day at Everett Middle School, 450 Church Street, San Francisco.

6:00 to 8:00 pm, June 2, 2018, Expressions' Gallery's "Summer Jazz" art opening for a collective show with six pieces by Carol Denney. It's at 2035 Ashby, right between Shattuck and Adeline, and there will be jazz, food, etc.

7:00 pm Sunday, May 23, 2018, Specs, birthday celebration for Tony Ryan, along with a radical set of poets and players. 12 William Saroyan Place (off Columbus Ave. across the street from City Lights Bookstore and Vesuvio Cafe) in San Francisco's North Beach.

Friday, May 19, 2018, Cafe du Soleil, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, featured performer for the Radical Acoustic Cafe curated by Marcus Duskin, 200 Fillmore St., SF CA, For more information:(415) 934-8637. Check in and check it out, political comedy at its finest.

4:00 pm Sunday, May 6, 2018, Specs, memorial for Louis Collins, to honor his life and his amazing work in bookselling. 12 William Saroyan Place (off Columbus Ave. across the street from City Lights Bookstore and Vesuvio Cafe) in San Francisco's North Beach.

Friday, April 27, 2018, 8:00 pm, The Back Room,,, 1984 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA, Phone: (510) 654-3808 a two-set solo show with guest artists.

February 15, 2018, Point Arena Third Thursday Poetry Reading Series featuring Carol Denney at 215 Main Street, Point Arena, plus music, wine, beer. and a rocking house.

February 10, 2018, Cafe du Soleil, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, featured performer for the Radical Acoustic Cafe curated by Marcus Duskin, 200 Fillmore St., SF CA, For more information:(415) 934-8637.

January 6, 2018, Clock Tower Music with Jimmy Bruno, songwriters in the round, 7:30 pm, 676 Laurel St, San Carlos, CA, For more information:(650) 595-2024.

January 1, 2018, The Back Room, 12:00 noon & on through the day,, 1984 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA, Phone: (510) 654-3808 featuring Carol Denney in a lineup of brilliant musicians, a benefit for Puerto Rico.

December 14th, 6:30 pm, singing for the Progressive Democrats of America gathering in San Francisco at the Unitarian Universalist church at Franklin and Geary Streets along with Tommi Avicolli Mecca and some of the best political minds in town--join us in the Martin Luther King, Jr room. Call (415) 776-4580 for more information.

December 9th, 2:00 pm, Expressions Gallery music and crafts show featuring Kerry Parker and Carol Denney twin fiddling.

December 6th, 8:00 pm, Strings, the holiday benefit show at 6320 San Pablo near Alcatraz is always a great show, a lineup of players stepping up to support one of the best small venues in the East Bay. Strings is a volunteer-run, members-only organization. Contact me if you need my sponsorship that evening. It's usually a potluck followed by a jam.

Sunday, 12:00 noon, November 19th, 2017, Howard Zinn Book Fair, Mission Campus City College of San Francisco A Celebration of People's History: Past, Present and Future with performances by poet, singer, and comedian Carol Denney & the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. 1125 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110, call (415) 920-6000 for more information.

October 15-27, 2017, the Fiddlers Reunion, Elkins, West Virginia.

Saturday, 7:00 pm, August 26, 2017, Better World Festival, at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists in Berkeley at Cedar and Bonita Streets. Many performers, potluck, 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival, with Waltz Across Breakfast on the porch each morning in beautiful Elkins, West Virginia.

7:00 to 9:30 pm, Thursday, July 27, Niebyl -Proctor Marxist Library.....7 to 9:30 PM, 6501 Telegraph Avenue [at Alcatraz] Oakland In Observance of LABORFEST 2017...All of Us or None: An Evening of Poetry in Resistance to The Trumpolini Regime and The Corporate Horse It Rode In On! - Come and Read at the Open Mike. Free. #6 AC bus from either 12th Street or Berkeley Center BART. COME SIGN UP! BRING A FRIEND OR TWO! Contact: or 510-847-5497

Sunday, 5:45 pm, July 16, 2017, Laborfest Maritime History Boat Tour boarding 5:45 pm, boat leaves promptly at 6:00 pm (6-9:00 pm tour). Complimentary meal included, full far, labor tour of the bay with labor music from Failure to Disperse - Carol Denney, James Nelson, Steven Strauss, and Marcus Duskin. Make reservations early at or call (415) 642-8066 and leave (1) your name, (2) phone number and (3) number of people in your party, then mail a check $45 per person, children under 6 free, to LaborFest, PO Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140.

Saturday, 7:00 pm, July 15, 2017, poetry at the Beat Museum, 540 Broadway (at Columbus) in San Francisco. Part of LaborFest, featuring poets from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade and more including Carol Denney. And this is the place to pick up gifts for people whether they're local or out of state. The events are made possible by the Foundation for Creative Expression. Phone: (415) 399-9626 for more information.

Sunday, 8:00 pm, June 25, 2017, Freight and Salvage, 2020 Addison St. in Berkeley Carol Denney, Jimmy Bruno, and Wendy Beckerman, three of the best local songwriters in the Bay Area, in an "in the round" setting on the Bay Area's premier acoustic stage. Call (510) 644-2020 for more information, advance ticket discounts.

Saturday, 12:30 pm on June 10, 2017, on the Woody Guthrie stage of the San Francisco Folk Festival, Everett Middle School at 450 Church Street, San Francisco.

Wednesday, 6 pm, May 24th, 2017, Spec's, in San Francisco on Columbus Street across from City Lights. One of North Beach's oldest bars celebrates Tony Ryan's birthday with poetry, music, and a few songs from Carol Denney, absolutely no kids under 21, come sing some rowdy numbers inspired by the sparkling new administration and raise a glass.

Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm, May 13th, 2017, Borges Ranch Heritage Day in Walnut Creek with the East Bay Oldtime Fiddlers. Games, food, farm animals, pony rides, making horseshoes and music. Right turn off Ygnacio onto Walnut Avenue, right on Old Grove, right on Elise Court, come see the chickens.

Tuesday, 6:30 pm, May 9th, 2017, The Friends of the San Francisco Public Library poetry series featuring poets Carol Denney and Michael Warr at the North Beach Public Library on Columbus in San Francisco between Greenwich and Lombard. Michael Warr is an award-winning poet as well as the Deputy Director of the Museum of the African American Diaspora.

New Year's Day Benefit at the Back Room for the Water Protectors of North Dakota. The Back Room is at: 1984 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704, Phone: (510) 654-3808 for more information. Carol Denney performing along with local artists to raise funds for the effort to protect the water at Standing Rock.

Wednesday, December 28, North Berkeley Senior Center, 2:00 pm, 2016, Grey Panthers meeting 1901 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709, Phone: (510) 981-5190 - come and organize with the best people in town for next year...

Monday, November 7, 7:30 pm, 2016, Armando's 707 Marina Vista in Martinez, CA. A songwriter showcase series in one of the best small halls in the world with the very best sound. Hosted by Thomas Martin, the showcase features guests from the local and greater Bay Area music scene. Featured are two singer/songwriters who will perform their compositions and share insights into their processes and motivations. Sliding scale $5, $10 or $15. Doors open 7:00 ...

Monday, September 19, 8:00 pm, 2016 Freight and Salvage CD release for "Because We Upon This Earth Are One" with Steven Strauss on ukelele and standing bass and with special guests including Jim Nelson on banjo. Discount on advance tickets call the Freight and Salvage for more information at (510) 644-2020. Support your local artists!

The Annual San Francisco Bay Area Beatnik Poetry Festival, Sept.17th and 18th at The Beat Museum in San Francisco. Carol Denney performing on Sunday, Sept. 18th, at 2:40 pm, with the Bay Area's best, check Beat Museum schedule for detail. Saturday, August 20, 3:00 pm 2016 Better World Festival concert at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, CA. Artists and songwriters' collective concert about a vision for a better world, free, donations appreciated.

Sunday, July 17, 2016 LaborFest ferryboat history tour of the San Francisco Bay with music by Carol Denney, Jim Nelson and Steven Strauss. Food & drink provided, meet activists, historians, union workers, and enjoy seeing the bay from the best possible view. Tickets through LaborFest site E-MAIL: or PHONE: (415) 642-8066

Saturday, July 9, 2016 7:00 concert for Renee Gibbons and Easter Rising featuring Carol Denney, Margaret Cooley, Pat Wynne, Bernie Gilbert, Jack Hirschman, Elisabeth Creely and Jimmy Kelley. Celebrate the life of Renee Gibbons, labor activist and artist at ILWU 34 next to AT&T Park.

Thursday, 6:30 pm, May 19th, Readers' Cafe Bookstore San Francisco Public Library hosted poetry series featuring Carol Denney with Martin Hickel at Fort Mason curated by San Francisco poet emeritus Jack Hirschman.

6:30 - 8:30 pm Monday, March 21, World Poetry Movement event at Unitarian Universalist Center, with the Revolutionary Poetry Brigade and UUSF social justice council including Jack Hirschman, George Long, Sarah Menefee, Agenta Falk, and other. Donations welcome.

2:00 pm Sunday, February 14, 2905 Shattuck, Carol Denney opening for Bob Bossin's one-man musical about early Toronto's gambling underground based on his book "Davy the Punk." Suggested donation $10 to $15, potluck meet-the-author opportunity at noon. Don't miss this; tickets at the door. Call me for info: Carol Denney at 510-548-1512.

7:00 pm Sunday, January 17, 2016 Martin Luther King Annual "King Sing" Sing-along, 2133 University Avenue (near Shattuck, the Berkeley Arts Festival Space with Folk This! founder Marcus Duskin, Jim Nelson, and Carol Denney. Free, $5 to $10 suggested donation. Free cake! Celebration civil rights with song!

5:00 pm Saturday, August 15, 2015, Berkeley Protest Festival at the Unitarian Fellowship at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, an all day program of protest songs by local artists including Carol Denney and great local singers including Country Joe MacDonald.

August 1st to August 10th, The Augusta Music Heritage Festival in Elkins, West Virginia.

12:00 pm Saturday, July 25, 2015, Berkeley Post Office Heritage Day Celebration featuring Carol Denney, Hali Hammer, Anna De Leon, Josh Kornbluth as Ben Franklin, and historians and activists who successfully stopped the sale of the Berkeley Post Office. We hope to save Post Offices all across the nation - come learn all about it.

July 19 (Sunday) 5:45 PM ($45) Pier 41, left of Pier 39 near outside ticket booth Building Bridges and Labor Maritime History Boat Tour 5:45 PM Boarding, 6:00 PM Departure. Join LaborFest again this year when the ILWU-IBU/MMP crew takes us out on the bay to enjoy the beauty of the San Francisco Bay. We will learn about the San Francisco General Strike, Maritime Strike, how unions built the bridges and how they keep the bay clean. We honor the workers who built the bridges. Labor process photographer Joseph Blum will talk about the building of the new Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge. Gray Brechin and Harvey Smith will talk about the history of the WPA and how it has shaped the Bay Area. There will be speakers about ongoing union struggles for worker rights and what we can do to support these workers. We will also have labor music from the US and around the world including Carol Denney, Jim Nelson, Marcus Duskin Chinese, and an opportunity to hear migrant workers musicians.

7:00 pm Friday, July 5, 2015, ILWU Local 34 Hall, 801 2nd St. next to AT&T Ball Park Laborfest Joe Hill Celebration featuring Dave Rovics, Carol Denney and Marcus Duskin. Come and sing with the funniest labor troubadors around.

8:00 pm Friday, June 19, 2015, Lost Church featuring Carol Denney and singers from the Songs from the Fog complilation CD including Paul Griffiths, Jim Bruno, Maurice Tani and more...65 Capp Street in San Francisco.

6:30 pm Friday, May 1, 2015, May Day celebration at Art Internationale , at 963 Pacific Avenue, in San Francisco featuring Carol Denney and poets from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade, free.

6:30 pm Thursday, April 23, 2015, Readers Cafe poetry reading featuring Carol Denney and Randy Fingland. Fort Mason, free. Sponsored by Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.

2:00 to 5:00 pm Saturday, April 18, 2015, Starry Plough on Shattuck Ave in Berkeley, best Irish pub in town, a benefit for People's Park featuring Carol Denney, Hali Hammer, The Harbingers, Clyde Leland, Yukon Hannibal. Find out what's happening and raise a glass.

8:00 pm Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Doc's Lab, 124 Columbus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94133 Carol Denney and Song From the Fog performers' CD release. The album is a cooperative effort of the participating songwriters including Carol Denney, Claudia Russell and Bruce Kaplan, Debarah Crooks, Jim, Bruno, Maurice Tani, Mick Shaffer, Paul Griffiths, and the Keller Sisters. Tickets $8.00. Phone:(415) 649-6191 or for more information.

Sunday, February 1, 2015, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm, 3245 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, Creativity Explored benefit "Ekphrastically Yours" event; Carol Denney, Co-Poet Laureate of Richmond, California Lincoln Bergman and others present poetry inspired by the work of Creativity Explored artists. Near 16th Street BART in San Francisco, call (415) 863-2108 for more information.

8:00 pm Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2014, Freight and Salvage, 2020 Addison, Berkeley CA CD release for Unless of Course You Die with Steven Strauss, Jimmy Bruno opening.

2:00 - 9:00 pm Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014, Emerald Tablet Gallery, 80 Fresno St., SF Revolutionary Poets Brigade & World Poetry Movement's "Overthrowing Capitalism" event, free.

8:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014, Viracocha, 998 Valencia, SF Ask Dr. Hal show featuring Carol Denney and the wild crankie.

Saturday, Sept. 6, 2014, (2:00 pm to 5: 00pm )Starry Plough benefit for the Peace and Freedom party's forum on militarization of the police and the criminalization of youth, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, 3101 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705, (510) 841-2082 for more information. Carol Denney presents a pro-taser public service announcement as "Fact Check", TwitWit Radio character, recommending tasers and taser use in a comic monologue as part of the Peace and Freedom Party's event on militarization of the police and criminalization of youth. Beer, networking, and state-smashing all in one punchy little afternoon.

Augusta Music Heritage FestivalAugusts 1- 13, 2014, I'll be fiddling with Waltz Across Breakfast, the cakewalk and the flatfooting workshop. Come to West Virginia and hear the music you will hear nowhere else.

Saturday, July 20, 2014, Laborfest - Ferryboat Labor tour of San Francisco Bay boarding 5:45 pm at Pier 39. An all-labor crew and local ironworkers, labor leaders, and historians give you a special guided tour with live music by Failure to Disperse and dinner. Contact Laborfest for details, San Francisco, CA.

Saturday, July 19, 2014, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute Benefit, at the Institute, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Berkeley, CA.

Saturday, July 12, 2014, Laborfest - People's Voice for a Planet Free of War, 7- 8:30 pm. music of labor poet/singer Carol Denney, poets Jack Hirschman and Nina Serrano, additional speakers from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade, and Unitarian Universalist Forum, refreshments provided. Unitarian Universalist church Martin Luther King Room , 1187 Geary St. at Franklin, San Francisco, CA.

Borges Ranch Centennial celebration, 11:00 am, Thursday, May 17, 2014. Carol Denney, Pat Reed, David Brown, Ingrid Crickmore, Bob Ellis, and Dan Kluger play old-time music for the heritage event which also features pony rides, craft tables, wildlife displays, and demonstrations of ranch life from 100 years ago.

Reader's Cafe poetry series at San Francisco's Fort Mason, 6:30 pm, Thursday, May 1, 2014. Carol Denney with the legendary Jack Hirschman, poetry and song. Readers Cafe & Bookstore is the place to be to hear poetry's top names. Enjoy specially priced drinks and snacks all while supporting the San Francisco Public Library. Curated and Hosted by Friends of the SFPL's Poet-in-Residence, Jack Hirschman.

8:00 pm Saturday April 12, 2014, Art House Gallery and Cultural Center, Carol Denney and Jimmy Bruno. Two of the Bay Area's most respected songwriters. The Art House is at 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA. Doors open at 7:00 pm, show starts at 8:00 pm, $10.00 before 8:30 pm, $15.00 after 8:30 pm, (510) 472-3170 for more information.

7:00 pm, Thursday, March 6, 2014, Poverty and Homelessness Symposium on the UC campus at 151 Barrows Hall. The event focuses on issues of inequality and injustice with specific focus on gender, incarceration, disaster relief, etc., and Carol Denney's music tops off the evening. Check with berkeleypovertysymposium (at) for more information.

Expression Gallery opening January 25, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm: "Homelessness" – Carol Denney and work by other artists featured in works about homelessness at Expressions Gallery Art Show opening Saturday, January 25, 2014, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm until April 18, 2014. Expressions Gallery, 2035 Ashby Avenue, open Wed.–Sat. afternoons from 12 noon–5 PM and Sundays from 12 noon–3 PM in Berkeley, CA. More information at: ( 510-644-4930.  

Martin Luther King Sing-along Celebration, Sunday, January 19, 7:00 pm, 2133 University Ave., Berkeley, CA. Come sing like crazy with Folk This! including Carol Denney, Marcus Duskin, Jim Nelson, and a crowd of harmony-loving peace nuts. Lyrics provided.

Friday, November 15th, 6:00 pm, "Police Brutality, Racial Profiling, and Prisons" event at the Unitarian Fellowship on Franklin features Carol Denney, Martin Hickel and additional poets and panelists for discussion and organizing for change.

Howe Harvest Festival, Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm -- oldtime musicCelebrate fall! The annual festival includes a variety of harvest and Halloween activities for the entire family, including scarecrow making, pumpkin carving and story telling. A highlight this year is a giant harvest maze in the community gardens. The event is at Howe Homestead Park, 2950 Walnut Boulevard in Walnut Creek, CA. Please park on Eckley Lane.

8:00 pm Thursday, October 17, Carol Denney features at YG2D (You're Going to Die): Poetry, Prose & Everything Goes... Also appearing: Mayya Feygina, Julie Indelicato, Sean Taylor, Ron Richardson, Danny Scuderi, Ariana Tibi, Graham Patzner. Doors at 8pm @ Viracocha, 998 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA.

Flor Y CantoSunday, September 15th, 2013, features Carol Denney and additional poets from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade at San Francisco's Mission District Library for a celebration of the Mission's cultural and political commitment to social change.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival in West Virginia leading the Waltz Across Breakfast band August 2-12 in the most beautiful place on earth.

LaborFest 2013 Art Show, "Solidarity Across Borders"   This year's LaborFest art exhibition covers the struggles of workers not only in the Bay Area, but also globally, including garment workers and the struggle to defend their lives, health, and safety. Whether the struggle for health and safety over one hundred years ago at the time of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City, or today's life-threatening conditions in Bangladeshi sweatshop mills -- both connected through the display of Hiroko M. Kurihara's quilt piece, Take a Number -- art is a powerful vehicle to convey the contradictions inherent in production and consumption as workers attempt to bring justice to their lives.

  This exhibition features the work of Philippe Barnoud, Carol Denney, Nikos Diaman, Hiroko M. Kurihara, Peter Max Lawrence, Charles Lucke, Doug Minkler, JoAnneh Nagler and Martin Webb. Additionally, a display of photographs from around the world capture May Day actions in 2013.

  Join us at International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 34 Hall, 801 2nd Street, at King Street, next to AT&T Stadium, San Francisco (parking available at the union hall).

  Opening Reception: Friday, July 26, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Featuring the music of Carol Denney and Friends. Additional viewing hours: Saturday, July 27, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Monday, July 29, 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Tuesday, July 30, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

  Exhibition curated by David Duckworth. For further information, please consult:

Sunday, June 30, 2:30 pm, Art House Gallery Carol Denney, Lincoln Bergman, Eliot Kenin, and Gary Hicks. Stories, songs, and poems celebrating revolution from the ground up. Door: $10.00;. The Art House Gallery and Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA, Information: 510-472-3170,

June 8, 2013, noon to 5:00 pm, Borges Ranch historic old-time celebration at Borges Ranch, with Carol Denney, Sawyer, Pat Reed, and more.

Poverty and Homelessness Symposium 2013, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at Wheeler Hall (3rd Floor) on the UC campus. The theme is "Why Me? Why them?: the Right to Live." with keynote speaker Ms. Ethel Long-Scott and live music by Carol Denney.

Creativity Explored Benefit, Saturday, April 13, 2013, 2:00 pm, benefit with Lincoln Bergman, Carol Denney, and additional poets/singers for the nonprofit Creativity Explored which nurtures the arts in the disabled community. At Creativity Explored, 3245 16th Street (at Guerrero Street), San Francisco, CA. Call (415) 863-2108 for more information.

Sunday, April 7, 2013, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Starry Plough benefit for People's Park with Maggie Forti, Carol Denney, Andrea Prichett, Chris Chandler, and the Funky Nixons. The Starry Plough is at 3101 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94705 (next to La Pena), for more information: (510) 841-2082

Thursday, March 14, 2013, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm, Fort Mason Readers' Cafe poetry series curated by San Francisco poet emeritus Jack Hirschman, with Lincoln Bergman.

Friday, February 15, 2013, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Seed Swap and potluck at the Ecology Center at 2530 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, CA., a few fiddlers and banjo players to support the seed exchange for BASIL, the Bay Area seed information library. Come and play, eat, learn about seed saving and meet the gardeners with the long view.

Sunday, January 20, 2013, 7:00 pm, Annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday Sing-along Concert (East Bay) at 1171 Colusa Avenue in Berkeley. This event needs advance reservation - call (510) 277-6669 for seats. Lyrics provided.

Saturday, January 19, 2013, 8:00 pm, Annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Birthday Sing-along Concert at social Hall, First Baptist church, 305 N. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA, with Folk This's Marcus Duskin, Jim Nelson, and Carol Denney plus special guests. Instruments welcome, kids welcome, birthday cake for everybody! Kick off the new year right by saluting our community commitment to civil rights with song. Songbooks provided.

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012, 7:00 pm Strings Holiday Benefit show and party, 6320 San Pablo Avenue (at Alcatraz),Berkeley CA Strings regulars and special guests raise an end of the year ruckus to honor the best underground club around.

Sunday, December 16th, 2012, noon at the downtown Berkeley BART Plaza, come sing with us for an hour or so at an Anti-Downtown Berkeley Association Altered Christmas Carol-in! Occupy Your Merchant Association!Sick of having merchant associations run target-the-homeless campaigns under the guise of creating a "welcoming" downtown? Feel like singing? At noon on Sunday, December 16th at the BART plaza (Shattuck @ Center, Berkeley) we're going to have an anti-Downtown Berkeley Association Christmas caroling gathering - songbooks provided- for about half an hour. Dickens Fair attire optional, instruments welcome, and here's a sample:

(to the tune of Joy to the World)

  guess who's in charge of this whole town
it is the DBA!
they run the city council
they run the police department
they'll run you out of town
they'll run you out of town
if you have no money just get out of town

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012, 11:30 am rally to save our post offices nationwide. Start at the office of her husband, Richard Blum, Blum Capital, 909 Montgomery St (at Pacific) San Francisco, then march to Senator Feinstein's office to ask Senator Feinstein to act to save our post offices! with music by Carol Denney.

Saturday, December 1st, 2012, 7:00 pm Mission Cultural Center, 518 Valencia, San Francisco, CA Laborfest program on Apple's labor practices in China with music by Carol Denney.

Sunday, November 4, 2012, Twit Wit Radio 94.1 FM KPFA 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm, live radio comedy directed by master of spectacle George Coates, including Berkeley KID, Kelina Lobo, Geoff Geiger, James King, Carol Denney, Ken McGee, and this week Cavett Hughes on keyboard.

Fiddlers for Peace rally against Measure S, the anti-sitting law, at 12:00 noon on Sunday, November 4, 2012, at the corner of Haste and Telegraph in Berkeley.

Saturday, November 3, 2012, Joyce Gordon Gallery, Occupy Anthology reading with Carol Denney and other poets and musicians from the anthology; music and poetry at 406 14th Street, Oakland, CA, (510) 465-8928 for more information.

Howe Homestead Harvest Festival, Sunday October 28, 2012, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, 2950 Walnut Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California. Old-time music with Dan Kluger on banjo, Carol Denney and Sawyer on fiddle. Pumpkin carving, face painting, storytelling, scarecrow making, spooky trail, and historic displays of a bygone era some of us still live in.

Sunday, October 28, 2012, Twit Wit Radio 94.1 FM KPFA 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm, live radio comedy directed by master of spectacle George Coates, including Berkeley KID, Kelina Lobo, Geoff Geiger, James King, Carol Denney, Ken McGee, and this week Cavett Hughes on keyboard.

Friday, 6:00 pm door, 7:00 pm show, October 26th, 2012, Art House Gallery Soundproofing Benefit To help the Art House Gallery pay for soundproofing in the building. Featuring: Barbara Dane, The Possum Family Singers, Johnny Harper, Carol Denney, Hali Hammer, Irina Rivkin, Mugg Muggles, Will Scarlett & more.Please Support Your Local Cultural Center! Donation of $10 -$100. Questions or to make $$$ Contributions 510-472-3170. If you would like to make a donation via check: Please send $ Payable to: Harold Adler, 6114 La Salle Ave #212, Oakland CA 94611, and thank you so very much!

Old Mill Days at Bothe Napa Valley State Park, Saturday and Sunday October 20 and 21 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, oldtime music to highlight the Bale Mill, a working mill restored beautifully from Napa's early days.

Hippie Gypsy Cafe, Saturday, October 6th, 2012, 8:00 pm. Featured (8:15) spot in the first Saturday open mike, lottery sign-up 5:30pm, start 6pm Max and JC Tourbillion host. The Hippie Gypsy Cafe is located at 1797-A Shattuck Avenue, 3 blocks north of University Ave in Berkeley, California, on the outskirts of the Gourmet Ghetto. Music, sandwiches, salad, trivia, coffee, silliness, smiles, Pope Airie. Trivia contest, prizes. The Hippie Gypsy Cafe was the very first Berkeley business to go on record against the anti-sitting law.

Marin Poetry Festival, Day Two, Thursday, October 4:00 pm to 7 pm Marvin Hiemstra, Hal Robins, Charlie Getter & Carol Denney read (Carol Denney will perform a crankie, or paper movie) Studio 333 Gallery ~ 333 Caledonia, Sausalito, California. Check with poetnews(at)sonic(dot)net or call 800.301.8263 for more information.

The Olympic Sitting Competition, Sunday, September 30th, 2012, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, the competition that somehow got left out of the London games. Come, go for the gold, and help the Stand Up for the Right to Sit Down Coalition, and help rescue the misunderstood art of competitive sports sitting from obscurity with Scoop Nisker, Karen Ripley, Selma Spector, Mozzarelli, Martin Hickel, Kris Welch, Hali Hammer, Carol Denney and a misguided public willing to participate in the traumatizing, cruel game of musical chairs. (510) 548-1512 for more info.

Freight and Salvage, Thursday, September 27th, 2012, with Stephen Strauss on bass. The west coast's premiere folk club.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival, Saturday morning at 11:00 am, August 11th, 2012, in Elkins, West Virginia, fiddling for the waltzes. Come experience the most dedicated musicians in the land, who have preserved the indigenous music of the area.

Brazenhead Inn on Saturday night, 8:00 pm, August 11th, 2012, in Mingo, West Virginia, with Will Fanning and Martha and Hannah Giddings. The rockingest joint in Mingo.

Napa Porchfest 2012, Sunday, July 29 from 2-5 pm, singing on the porch with Rob Sherman, Dalton Piercey, Carol Denney, and friends. 1966 Pine St, Napa.

Happy Birthday Rally for the Berkeley Main Post Office (Allston@ Milvia) 5:30 pm, Tuesday, July 24, 2012 rally to save our 1914 landmark with music, speeches, and the best people on earth. Bring supportive signs, instruments, and come and help create a national model to stop the destruction of our public treasures.

Sunday, July 22, 2012, 12: 00 pm to 1:30 pm, LaborFest BookFair event on Bread and Roses Strike at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA. Julia Stein, a labor poet and writer, will moderate a panel on the Bread and Roses strike, music by Carol Denney.

Saturday, July 21st, 2012, 7:00 pm Woody Guthrie Singalong with Marcus Duskin and Folk This! at the Berkeley Arts Festival at the top of University Avenue (2133 University Avenue) right next to Ace Hardware in Berkeley, CA. Singalong books provided! Come lead a song, instruments welcome.

Berkeley Main Post Office (Allston@ Milvia) 3:00 pm July 20, 2012 rally to save our 1914 landmark with music, speeches, and the best people on earth. Bring supportive signs, instruments, and come and help create a national model to stop the destruction of our public treasures.

Thursday, July 19th, 2012, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Modern Times bookstore, 2919 24th Street in San Francisco. Carol Denney and Occupy SF: Poetry from the Movement poets reading their work from the Occupy poetry anthology produced by independent publisher Jambu Press. (415) 282-9246 for more information, or go to Copies of the book available at this reading, and additional copies available through

Sunday, July 15th, 2012, 6:00 pm LaborFest Ferryboat Tour, (Pier 29) Building Bridges and Labor Maritime History boat tour with labor historians, photographers, and building trade workers who will talk about the work and the history as we cruise around the bay and sing labor songs with Carol Denney and Jim Nelson. To make your reservation email - or call: (415) 642-8066 and leave your name, phone number and the number of people in your group. Laborfest will contact you to confirm your reservation, then send a check for $45(children under 6 free, children 6-12 years old $25) to LaborFest, PO Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140. Get there 30 minutes early for boarding.

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012, 5:00 pm rally against Berkeley's anti-sitting law , city council chambers at Martin Luther King Blvd. & Center Streets, all poets and instruments welcome to join, jam, and speak to the council.

Sunday, July 8th, 2012, 3:00 pm at Armando's, 707 Marina Vista, Martinez, Carol Denney with Hope Savage and The Hopeful Romantics. You'll find a map here: Never been to Armando's? Check it out: Armando's features the best of LIVE music including jazz, blues, bluegrass, folk and everything in between, everything except over-played typical bar rock and roll. Great sound system, a real scene.

Sunday, July 8th, 2012, 11:00 - 12:00 amat Oakland Fiber Festival, Carol Denney with Jim Nelson at Splashpad Park for the fiber fair - booths, spinning, carding knitting and all manner of things.

Friday, June 1st, 2012, 8:00 pm at Viracocha -- 998 Valencia Street in San Francisco, CA. Carol Denney and a line-up of featured poets and musicians. Viracoch's philosophy: "Viracocha is a community-operated retail space, dedicated to the explorative nature of human expression, in the fields of Vintage Design & Fashion, Visual Art, Music, Spoken Word Poetry, Stand Up & Improvisational Comedy, as well as both Traditional & Experimental Theater & Dance."

Sunday, May 27th, 2012, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Golden Gate Bridge Workers' Rally for the 75th Anniversary sponsored by IATSE 16 and the San Francisco Labor Council, featuring Carol Denney and the Rocking Solidarity Chorus at Crissy Field (near the cannons).

(I had to cancel my participation in this gig because of the secondhand smoke.) Thursday, May 24th, 2012, 6:30 pm, Judy Bari Day rally at Oscar Grant Plaza sponsored by the Headwaters Coalition and Earth First. Carol Denney, Karen Pickett, and environmental speakers and musicians salute Judy Bari and Earth First.

Saturday, May 19th, 2012, 8:00 pm, Carol Denney splits the bill with Hope Savage and her band the Hopeful Romantics , $10.00 door at Lost Church, 65 Capp Street (near 16th Street BART) in San Francisco. One cool club. Full bar. Crankies.

Thursday, May 17th, 2012, 6:00 pm, Carol Denney and Peter Yamamoto at the Reader's Cafe Bookstore at the Fort Mason Center, Building C. TCurated and hosted by Friends' Poet-in-Residence and 2007 San Francisco Poet Laureate Jack Hirschman, every Thursday boasts a duo of talented authors and poets, reading and performing their work. Enjoy great poetry and support the San Francisco Public Library.

Tuesday, May 1st, 10:30 am UN Plaza in San Francisco (at the Civic Center BART Station): May Day Rally with songs by Carol Denney and reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Celebrate this global workers' rights observance with the unions who brought you the weekend and the eight hour day.

Monday, April 30th, 6:00 pm Fiddlers for Peace at Marin and San Pablo Avenues in Albany We're going to gather up at 6:00 pm at Marin (also known as Buchanan) and San Pablo Avenue in Albany where there is an Occupy the Farm action happening this coming Monday, April 30th 6:00 pm, all instruments and everybody welcome. Let's play some tunes!

Thursday, March 29th, 2012, 6:00 pm, Benefit for Food Not Bombs with FNB co-founder Keith McHenry and Carol Denney. Music by Carol Denney 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm followed by Keith McHenry's Elect to End Hunger and Poverty Tour. McHenry is an author, artist, activist, and co-founder of Food Not Bombs. He will speak on the global campaign to end the criminalization of poverty at the Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705, info: 510-472-3170. Suggested donation $7.00.

Sunday, February 19th, 2012, 2:00 pm - Just Kidding for Justice event at Redwood Gardens, 2951 Derby (top of Dwight Way) in Berkeley, CA. Carol Denney with Wavy Gravy, Scoop Nisker, Selma Spector; panel discussion and presentations from top Bay Area satirists on politics and humor. Tickets $5- $10, wheelchair accessible. Info at (510) 845-5481. The celebration includes an award for local artist Marianne Robinson and music by Eliot Kenin and Occupella.

Sunday, January 15th, 2012, 7:00 pm - Sing-along Birthday Celebration for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 1171 Colusa (a private house) Occupy your heart with Folk This and special guests; reservations at or call (510) 277-6669. Bring your voices and we'll sing the great songs of the civil rights, peace, and labor movements together! Snacks and Birthday Cake provided during intermission. Free, contributions will be requested. with Folk This and guests; Markus Duskin, Carol Denney, Jim Nelson, and Matthew Wilson.

Saturday, January 14, 2012, 8:00 pm - Sing-along Birthday Celebration for Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Fellowship Hall, First Presbyterian Church 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto (more detail at ) Start the new year right! Sing! Eat! Meet the best people! Bring your voices and we'll sing the great songs of the civil rights, peace, and labor movements together! Snacks and Birthday Cake provided during intermission. Free, contributions will be requested. with Folk This and guests; Markus Duskin, Carol Denney, Jim Nelson, and Matthew Wilson.

Sunday, December 4th, 2011, noon, Fiddlers for Peace at Occupy Berkeley at the park at Center and Martin Luther King Jr. Way in Berkeley, CA. Everyone welcome, all instruments, non-instruments, etc.

Art House Gallery, 3:00 pm, Sunday, November 6th, Book release party for poet ava bird and opening of Grace Slick's art show with music featuring Clara Bellino, Carol Denney, Harold Adler, Leah Lubin, Riki Chen, Dan Brady, Kayla Sussell, Ron Lampi, James Johnson. 2905 Shattuck Avenue @ Ashby Berkeley, CA, 510-472-3170 for information. Wheelchair accessible.

Undercover Night at Strings, 8:00 pm, Wednesday, October 19th, Carol Denney with stellar Strings alumni play songs which have never been on the radio by other artists. Undercover Song night is both a great show concept and the best way to show the music industry what it is missing. 6320 San Pablo, Emeryville, CA. Strings is an underground club, but you are my guest for the night if you are reading this, or if you get one of my postcard or email invitations. Just please do not advertise. For more information (Strings 653-5700).

Fiddlers for Peace at Occupy Oakland rally Tuesday, 5:00 pm, October 11, 2011, join the largest mass street movement in decades and bring your fiddle/banjo/guitar/tambourine/clarinet etc., just join us

6th Street Art Walk, Friday, October 14th, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Passion Cafe, 26 6th Street in San Francisco with the magnificent Kerry Parker and the nefarious Jim Nelson on fiddle and banjo respectively. This is an Urban Solutions production where art happens in unexpected places - come take a stroll through a streetscape of creativity.

"Stop the War, Fund Human Needs!" Rally at the new Federal Building, Thursday, October 6th, 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, 90 7th Street (between Market and Mission). Poets, singers, and activists' coalition to raise awareness of and support for a courageous effort on the part of thousands of other activists from all over the country who will be gathering in Washington DC on October 6. That DC gathering is called "October2011" and it's participants in DC intend to occupy a public space in our nation's capitol by pitching tents there and staying until they see changes away from the current US "politics as usual" that promotes war and corporate greed; and toward a US politics that instead supports and funds human needs. A large majority of the American people consistently support the agenda that October2011 has adopted as its own:

· Tax the rich and corporations
· End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending
· Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all
· End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests
· Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation
· Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages
· Get money out of politics

If you can go to DC to join the other October2011 activists in this effort, please do so. You can get more information about the national occupation in DC that starts on October 6 by going to the website:

If you can't go to DC to join that effort, please attend and spread the word about our solidarity rally in San Francisco, which will encourage Bay Area support for the occupation in DC and will describe the various ways in which as a result of our misplaced priorities, we spend our financial resources and destroy many lives with our wars, which not only maim and kill people on both sides of such needless conflicts, it also drains resources away from meeting human needs that are more and more, not being met here in our own country.

Strings, 8:00 pm, Wednesday, September 21st, Carol Denney with Megan McLaughlin and Melody Walker, 6320 San Pablo, Emeryville, CA. The debut of the crankie (hand-cranked paper movie) "Unless of Course You Die." Strings is an underground club, but you are my guest for the night if you are reading this, or if you get one of my postcard or email invitations. Just please do not advertise. For more information (Strings 653-5700).

NOT APPEARING AT THE SOLANO STROLL - we (Failure to Disperse) declined the gig. The organizers put all the musicians through a long selection process and THEN told us they would be paying us nothing at all. This is one of the wealthiest commercial districts in the East Bay, and they pay their part-time Merchants Association Director over $60,000 a year. The Ellis Island Band, The Spirit of '29, and our band Failure to Disperse dropped out of the Stroll to protest the treatment of musicians.

4:00 pm Sunday, July 31st, 2011, Raise the Roof and Stop the War Sing-along, at the Berkeley Arts Festival, 2133 University (next to Ace Hardware) with Marcus Duskin and Carol Denney, proud members of the Folk This! extended family. Come, sing, and end the war.

Sunday, July 24, 2011 - 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Special presentations by Bay Area artists, poets, and performers including Carol Denney (4:00 pm). Cost: FREE, Mission Cultural Center,| 2868 Mission St., San Francisco, CA. The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts hosts the LaborFest BookFair & Poetry Reading – a full day of activism, poetry, books and lectures. The free event takes place from 9:30am to 6:30pm. Topics include "Eleanor Roosevelt and the American Worker" and "Woody Guthrie, American Radical.

Friday, July 22, 2011, Mythos Gallery, 7:00 to 8:30 pm 1747 Solano Ave. (between Ensenada Ave & Modoc St), Berkeley, CA 94707. Jack Hirschman reads with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade, Maketa Smith-Groves, Dottie Payne, Jim Byron, Sarah Page, Lincoln Bergman and Carole Denney. Refreshments. David Reid hosts. link:

Sunday, July 17th, LaborFest Ferryboat Tour of the bay! Come sing and learn the bay's labor history with Carol Denney, Larry Hanks, Deborah Robins, Kerry Parker, and more. Food, music, and presentations from bridgeworkers, historians, and union members.Sign up through the Laborfest website.

Tuesday, July 12th, 7:00 pm, "Triangle" written and performed by Elaine Ocasio with songs by Carol Denney at Farley's, 1315 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, (415) 648-1545 for more information or see the laborfest website at . Chester's Bayview Cafe, July 9th, 2011, 8:00 to 10:00 pm Walnut Square,Berkeley, CA. Special appearance with Philip Rosheger, Greg Pratt and Lawanda Ultan, Don Villa and friends for Jamie Fender, recovering from health issues. It's family night. Don't miss the special performance of "Things I Remembered; Haiku in Jail".

6:30 pm, Thursday, July 7th, Free! Carol Denney and poet Miguel Robles, Readers Cafe & Bookstore: 2011 Poetry Series, Readers Cafe, Bldg C. The 2011 Poetry Series is curated and hosted by San Francisco Poet Laureate emeritus, San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) Poet-In-Residence, and SF International Poetry Festival collaborator Jack Hirschman. Each Thursday evening features poetry readings, specially priced drinks and snacks, and a sense of literary community -- all while supporting the SFPL. More Information: (415) 771-1011,, &

Carol Denney, Jack Gilder and Daniel Hersh will again be leading the concertina workshop at this year's San Francisco Free Folk Festival. The festival will be on June 25 and 26 at Presidio Middle School, 450 30th Ave (at Geary), San Francisco. Our workshop will be on Sunday June 26 from 12 noon to 2 pm. In the first hour we'll do an introduction to Anglo, English, Hayden Duet and Crane Duet concertinas and approaches to playing them, with a little bit about Chemnitzer concertinas too. The second hour will be like a players gathering, where everyone who's there will be able to share tunes and ideas and answer each other's questions.

More details about the workshop are at . More info about the festival is at .

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011, 6:00 pm Fiddlers for Peace and Opposed to Berkeley's Proposed Anti-sitting Law at the City Council Chambers (Martin Luther King and Center Streets in Berkeley). Food, speakers, and we'll just be jamming for an hour between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. All instruments welcome! Get your music engaged in social justice!

Monday, May 30th, 2011, Fiddlers Reunion and Citywide Yardsale in Point Richmond 12:00 noon at the town square.

BayCon Regency Dances, Friday, May 27th, and Sunday, May 29th at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, 5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara.

Sunday May 22nd, 2011, the Chairapillar! 12:00 noon, downtown Berkeley BART Station, bring (and be sure to take back home) a chair and join in. Street theater against the proposed anti-sitting law. There's a YouTube video of the event at:

Friday, May 20th, 2011, Poetry and Song Against Berkeley's Proposed Anti-sitting Law, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94705, info: 510-472-3170. Absolutely free. Featuring Dee Allen, Ava Bird, Gary Hicks, Lincoln Bergman, Carol Denney, Andrea Pritchett, Dottie Payne, Arnie Passman, Lynn Sugayan, Eliot Kenin, Eleanor Walden, Miguel Robles, poets from the Revolutionary Poets Brigade and more. A night of politically engaged art ponsored by Stand Up for the Right to Sit Down and the Revolutionary Poets Brigade.

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011, Freight and Salvage, 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704. CD release for "A Toast to the Union" and general mayhem.

Saturday, April 23rd, Solidarity Meeting with Japanese Workers at 8460 Enterprise Way, Oakland, CA, 3:00 pm. The first skyped meeting between Japanese workers near Sendai, Japan, and representatives from unions all over the Bay Area to show solidarity and raise funds for Japanese workers.

Saturday, April 16th, 2011, 10:30 am: Noe Valley Farmer's Market with Failure to Disperse regulars Kerry Parker, Tony Phillips, Rodney Freeland, and Mark Kartman.

Saturday, April 16th, 2011, 7:00 pm: Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California Street, San Francisco CA 94121, (415) 831-5620.

Sunday, March 27, 2011, 6-9 pm, free.SPRING BIRD BEATS! 540 Broadway, @ Columbus, San Francisco, (Northbeach). The featured guests and poets have deep roots into the beat world, experience and existence of the original beat generation of the 1950's & 60's. They will tell us their stories and share slices of the classics, remind us where it all began, while keeping the light burning bright in the now. Clive Matson, Jayne Lyn Stahl, Harold Adler, Philip Hackett, Riki Chen, Carol Denney, Hd Moe, Ava Bird, +++more. Produced by Ava Bird & Co., at the Beat Museum.

Saturday, March 26th, 2011, 6:30 PM Remembering The Triangle ; Art, Words, Music & Film-Sponsored By LaborFest Readings with Julia Stein, Alice Rogoff, Hilton Obenzinger ; Kay Kostopoulus, Yiddish ; Labor Music with Carol Denney ; others, Multi-Media Presentation Opening Northern California Art Exhibition Commemorating the Triangle Fire curate by David Duckworth Saturday and Sunday ILWU Local 34 800 2nd St./Embarcadero next to AT&T Park San Francisco, CA

Saturday, March 12th, 2011, 9:30 am: Noe Valley Recreation Center with Failure to Disperse regulars Kerry Parker, Tony Phillips, Rodney Freeland, and Mark Kartman.

Friday, March 11th, 2011, 9:00 pm: Unitarian Fellowship's featured performer at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, CA.

Sunday Feb. 6, 2011, 6:00 pm, come help celebrate EAST BAY FOOD NOT BOMBS! 20th Anniversary at our benefit party. Food and Toasting from 6-7pm, performances from 7-10pm, with performances by Carol Denney, Andrea Pritchett , Missin' Cousins, and The Funky Nixons. Also, vegetarian potluck and open mike toasties. At the ART HOUSE GALLERY AND CULTURAL CENTER, 2905 Shattuck Ave. (between Ashby and Russell) East Bay Food Not Bombs has been serving free vegan meals six days a week for 20 years. Bring photos, memorabilia, and stories. $10 suggested donation, contact-(510)472-3170.

Saturday, January 15th, 7:30 pm: Martin Luther King Sing-along Join us in celebrating the birthday and life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with music from the civil rights, peace, and labor movements. Sing along or just enjoy with musicians from Folk This and friends. All ages welcome. At the Daniell's house at 1171 Colusa Avenue in Berkeley in the Monterey Market area in N. Berkeley; no charge, but donations to the musicians appreciated. Birthday cake and refreshments provided. RSVP to reserve a place and for transportation information. Email or call 510-277-6669.

Strings Benefit, Saturday, December 18th, 2010. A variety show including selected guests (including Carol Denney) from the calendar year to benefit Strings and ensure another year of spectacular acoustic music. If you are reading this website or received my postcard, you are welcome as my guest; Strings is a membership plus friends organization. The premiere small listening club for acoustic music in the East Bay. Strings is at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (1/2 block south of Alcatraz; unmarked French doors to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations & potluck items gladly accepted. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Strings, Wednesday, December 1st, 2010, with special guests Mark Lemaire, Larry Hanks, and Deborah Robins. If you are reading this website or received my postcard, you are welcome as my guest, but please do not advertise elsewhere; Strings is a membership plus friends organization. The premiere small listening club for acoustic music in the East Bay.

The Reading Room at Fort Mason, Sunday, November 18th, 2010, 6:00 pm with Jack Hirschman and members of the Revolutionary Poets' Brigade.

Sunday, October 31st, 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm, Halloween Concert at People's Park, more specifically the People's Park Pumpkin Party, featuring performances by Mother Magica, In There, Carol Denney, The Monarchs, Detach Dolls, Androgynous Elk, Death Star Hotel, food by Food Not Bombs! Come in costume, bring a punkin. www.people', (in Berkeley one block east of Telegraph at Haste and Dwight) with a concert lineup.

Sunday, October 24th, 3-7:00 pm - Benefit for Kriss Worthington at Art House, 2905 Shattuck Avenue (just north of Ashby), Berkeley. Doors open 2:30, music 3-7. $15- $250 - We need to keep Kriss on the Berkeley City Council! With Avotcja, Carol Denney, Mugg Muggles, Hali Hammer and Friends and others. The Art House Gallery and Cultural Center is at 2905 Shattuck Ave.(one block north of Ashby), Berkeley, CA, to the right of the Paco Dog Collar place (down the little alley) across from the Berkeley Bowl.

Saturday, October 23rd, 10:30 am, Noe Valley Farmers' Market with Failure to Disperse, on 24th St near Church in San Francisco.

Biscuits and Blues Union Room, Thursday October 14th, 7:00 pm 401 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, (415) 292-2583. Carol Denney, Jimmy Bruno, plus artist to be named later share the night. Great listening space, great food, 2 1/2 blocks from the Powell Street BART Station in San Francisco.

El Cerrito Folk Festival, Saturday, October 9th, 2010, . Carol Denney is giving an original song workshop at 3:00 pm at the Windrush School, 1800 Elm Street, El Cerrito, California. Short songs, please, or mutilate some verses so that more people can sing. Information at:

"Two Blocks of Art" Festival, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Friday, October 8th, 2010, Launderland at 6th and Mission, San Francisco. Carol Denney, Jim Nelson, and Kerry Parker are special guest performers on behalf of The San Francisco Arts Commission and Urban Solutions. Bring your laundry or your banjo or both.

Freight and Salvage Songwriting Class, Sept 14th, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, subbing for Jimmy Bruno's songwriting class.

Solano Stroll, September 12th, 2010, near the very top of the Berkeley end of Solano. This is the oldest street party around, full of food, music, crafts, and a parade. Bring a sun hat, wander, eat, and dance in the streets.

Special Labor Day House Concert, Monday, September 6th, 2010 with Folk This! musicians Marcus Duskin, Ramsey Kanaan and Carol Denney at the home of TD and Barbara Daniell in North Berkeley. Seating for this event, which includes a presentation on the Federal Theatre Project of the New Deal, is limited, so please RSVP to reserve a place and to receive driving and public transportation information. Email or or call 415-431-8485 or 510-277-6669 to make a reservation. The show is free, but donations for the performers will be accepted. Food and drink will be provided, but please feel free to bring something to share.

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010, 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, special appearance with Mark Lemaire at First United Methodist Church, 201 Martina at West Richmond Avenue, Point Richmond, CA. $10.00 donation.

The Augusta Music Heritage Festival in Elkins, West Virginia is a phenomenal culmination of decades of the hard working staff of the Heritage Center's efforts at mining musical, craft, storytelling, and dance traditions from all over the world and ends in Oldtime Week, August 9th through 14th, 2010, featuring the indigenous music of the mountains. Saturday night concert stage appearance by Carol Denney at the special invitation of Flawn Williams, director of the Vocal Week program.

Friday, July 30th, 2010, Freight and Salvage with Jimmy Bruno, Bonnie Hayes, and Carol Denney. 2020 Addison Street near the downtown BART station in Berkeley, CA.

Sunday, July 18th, 5:30 pm ($35.00) Pier 41, West of Pier 39 near outside booth - Fisherman's Wharf, SF, Building Bridges and Labor Maritime History Ferry Boat Tour! 5:30 PM Boarding, 6:00 PM Departure, Boat leaves promptly at 6:00 PM, Tour lasts 3 hours. A complimentary meal will be provided, however, if you are on a special diet please bring your own food. Join us for this evening cruise on labor history and a close up look at the massive construction project of the eastern span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge. The skills of the ironworkers, operators, carpenters, laborers, electricians and maritime workers who are building this monument are creating a vital link and beautiful artifact of the Bay Area. Joseph Blum who is documenting the construction of this project will let us know what is being done and how they do it. Labor writers lecture as the tour progresses about the crucial links to labor history. Music with Carol Denney, Larry Hanks, Deborah Robins & friends.
The 2008 Laborfest Ferryboat Tour. To make your reservation: By E-mail: or call: (415) 642-8066, and leave your name, phone number and number of people in your party. You should send a check ($35) to LaborFest, P.O.Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140. We don't send you tickets, but we will either reply to your e-mail or call you back to let you know that we received your reservation, and as soon as we receive your check, your reservation will be confirmed. You will get your ticket at the pier before you get on the boat. We expect the tickets will be sold out quickly, so please make your reservation early. We thank the Blue & Gold Fleet for providing the boat, and the members of MMP and ILWU-IBU for volunteering their labor.

Friday, July 16th, 2010, 7:30 pm, opening for Máirtín de Cógáin and his band at the Art House Gallery and Cultural Center. This is the band that played for the movie Wind That Shakes the Barley -- Máirtín de Cógáin, troubador and storyteller, and his band are here from Ireland as special guests of LaborFest. The Art House Gallery and Cultural Center is at 2905 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA, to the right of the Paco Dog Collar place (down the little alley) across from the Berkeley Bowl.

Saturday, July 10th, 2:00 pm, 2010, Labor Art and Music Show at Expression Gallery, 2035 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley CA 94703 (right by Ashby BART Station). Special labor theme at the Gallery, and music between 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm by Carol Denney and friends.

Wednesday, July 7th, 8:00 pm Strings' Undercover Song Night The Strings players team up to bring you a night of original songs by great writers who have never been played on the radio - don't miss it. If you've never been to Strings, arrange with me to be a guest that night - it is a membership-only arrangement, a very special event featuring unusual work and top quality talent. You are my guest if you are on my mailing list, but please do not advertise. Call (510) 653-5700 for more information.

SF Free Folk Festival concertina workshop, Saturday June 12 from 1 to 3 pm, 2010 This is the best place to hear from local master players about concertinas and why they can change the world, sign up for the Concertina Orchestra now taking applications, learn the care and feeding of your concertina, and pick up an additional concertina so it won't be lonely. Festival website is at Our workshop description is at .

Point Richmond Fiddle Reunion and Citywide Flea Market Monday, May 31st, 2010, with Failure to Disperse and a lot of fiddlers, banjo players, and interesting stuff from attics right downtown in Point Richmond.

ART HOUSE GALLERY & HAROLD ADLER PRESENT: A Benefit for Chile May 23rd, 2010, Sunday in North Berkeley, Noon to Sundown on Edith St Between Cedar and Lincoln... look for the balloons A Beautiful Berkeley Backyard BBQ Benefit & Bash for Chile with live music Featuring :Rafael Manriquez, Carol Denney, Esteban Bello, Clara Bellino, La Wanda & Greg and MANY MORE special guests* Pot luck BBQ and food* Donation $5.00 -$50.00 All proceeds go to the people of Chile. for Info: 510-472-3170

Aromas Grange Concert, Saturday, May 15th, 2010, meet and greet at 4:30 pm, show starts at 6:00 pm with Aromas's "Vocal Yokels", Chris McDougal, Richard Smith, and Bill Hunter. The Aromas Grange Hall is just south of Gilroy, the Grange Hall is in Aromas at the corner of Rose and Bardue.

KPIG radio, Sunday, April 25th, 2010, 11:00 am Live with John Sandidge, and you can listen at stations: KPIG FM 107.5 Freedom, KPIG AM 1510 Piedmont/SF, KPYG FM 94.9 Cayucos/San Luis Obispo, KZAP FM 96.7 Paradise/Chico.

Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse, Thursday, April 22nd, 2010, 8:00 pm , in a new location at 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704, one block from downtown Berkeley BART station. CD release for "Maggots in the Sheep Hide", a recording of all traditional oldtime songs. Joining me onstage will be Jim Nelson on banjo, Kerry Parker on fiddle, and Steven Strauss on standing bass. Discount on reserved tickets, call (510) 548-1761. Let me know if you need to be on the guest list - it would be my pleasure to introduce you to the new Freight, (510) 548-1512.

Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, Benefit for Food Not Bombs on Friday, 7:00 pm, March 26th, 2010, with Phoenix and Sylvia, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705, 510-472-3170. Come support the hardest working people in town.

Canyon Contra Dance, Saturday, March 6th, 2009, 7:00 pm potluck and contradance with Failure to Disperse and fiddlers three (Kerry Parker, Carol Denney, and Craig Fixler) at the school in Canyon, California.

Annual Seed Swap, Friday, February 26th, 2010 7 pm at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley. Join us for the 11th Annual Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) seed swap! Seeds! Music! Food! Gardeners! Bring and get locally saved seeds. Bring and play old-time instruments. This is a great way to meet other local gardeners and trade seed. Bring seed, envelopes and pens or just show up to get seeds with a commitment to bring seed back to the Interchange Library. Donations of seed to our Library helps nourish this exciting project dedicated to conserving genetic diversity of our planet's seed stock. Financial donations and plant starts for Seed Swap raffle are welcome. Cost: Free. Info: 510-658-9178.

Saturday, January 16th, 2010, 8:00 pm Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival January 15-17, 2010, IAM Local 1781, 1511 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA, $65 for weekend, $40 for Saturday only. Concert $15-25, sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds. Labor Heritage Festival Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s contribution to the civil rights and labor movements. A weekend of solidarity in an era of war, racism, and hard times. For more information, (including hotels and transportation) contact coordinator Kendyll Stansbury (kendyll_s (at) Funding available - Julius Margolin Scholarship to support the attendance of young activists interested in using culture in organizing. Local hotel information Crowne Plaza, Burlingame: $89 per night/single or double occupancy. Phone reservations manager (650) 342-9200 and request "Festival Rate". Saturday, December 26th, 2009, 8:00 pm Chester's Bayview Café, 1508 B Walnut Street, Berkeley, CAph. 510-849-9995. Sitting in with Jamie Fender and David Cronin of FenderCronin, a folk duo with lovely songs, and some of their friends. Take a walk and come see us. I have a couple new songs.

Saturday, December 5th, 2009, 8:00 pm Benefit for Strings, 6320 San Pablo Avenue (at Alcatraz), Emeryville's foremost acoustic showcase with a host of the regulars in a benefit for one of the best places to hear music in the Bay Area. Strings is a volunteer-run membership-based listening venue dedicated to creating a unique musical experience for players and listeners alike. If you are reading this website, you are our guest, but please do not advertise. Donations at the door ordinarily go straight to the artists, but on this night we'll be playing for the house and raising a glass to another year of amazing music. Potluck items to share welcome. For more information call (510) 653-5700.

8:00 pm (until 10:00 pm) Wednesday, November 18th, Biscuits and Blues (in the Union Room) 401 Mason St. at Geary in SF (near Bart), with Hiram Bell, Liz Riley, Jimmy Bruno and Tom Gewecke. For more information about shows and parking options: - There's a $10 parking deal with Mason/O'Farrell Parking Garage.

8:00 pm Canyon Contra Dance (playing fiddle) at Canyon School in Canyon, California, one of the last places in the Bay Area where you can still inhale deeply.

Saturday, October 27th & Sunday, October 28th, 2009, Old Mill Days at Bothe Napa State Park near Calistoga, CA 9:00 am to 5:00 pm 1840's old-time music, food and demonstrations of the only water-driven grist mill still operating in California, lovingly restored by the state park. See demonstrations of making butter, cornbread, lace-making, smithing, pioneer medicine and more.

Thursday, October 15th, 2009, Unitarian Fellowship Hall at Cedar & Bonita in Berkeley, CA 7:00 pm, Benefit for the real story about the Bevatron with Mark MacDonald & friends.

Best of Blasphemy CD Release Party, Sunday, August 30th, 6:00 - 10:00 pm, at The White Horse Inn, 6551 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, California. Benefit for the Pacific Center in Berkeley, California, featuring Tony Marcus, Sylvia Herold, Carol Denney, Rick Dougherty, Selma Spector as Mrs. T. Bill Banks, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and much, much, much more. The Best of Blasphemy is a CD compilation of the best blasphemous songs including "The Vatican Rag" by Tom Leher, "If Jesus Was a Pirate," by Ann Callicrate, etc. For more information:

Sunday, August 23rd, 5:00 pm, Armando's with the Roamin' Tics ( Hope Savage and the whole gang), 707 Marina Vista, Martinez, CA 94553, for more information call: (925) 228-6985.

Saturday, August 15th, doors open 7:00pm, show starts at 8:00 pm, benefit for Women's Choice Clinic. The benefit will be Saturday August 15th, doors at 7pm show at 8pm. The event will be held at the Neibel Proctor Library at 6501 Telegraph north of Alcatraz! For more information about the clinic please visit the website $5-10 sliding scale at the door no one turned away.

The Augusta Music Heritage Festival, Old-time Week, August 3rd through August 8th, 2009 the legendary convocation of old-time music lovers from all over the world in the most beautiful place on earth, West Virginia. For more information, visit: and come, sing, dance.

July 19 (Sunday) 6:00 PM ($35.00) Pier 41, West of Pier 39 near outside booth - Fisherman's Wharf, SF, Building Bridges and Labor Maritime History Boat Tour! 5:45 PM Boarding, 6:00 PM Departure, Boat leaves promptly at 6:00 PM, Tour lasts 3 hours (...a three hour tour...)A complimentary meal will be provided, however, if you are on a special diet please bring your own food. Join us for this evening cruise on labor history and a close up look at the massive construction project of the eastern span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge. The skills of the ironworkers, operators, carpenters, laborers, electricians and maritime workers who are building this monument are creating a vital link and beautiful artifact of the Bay Area. Joseph Blum who is documenting the construction of this project will let us know what is being done and how they do it. Labor writers Gray Brechin, Tim Drescher, Iron workers Dick Zampa, Mike Daly and others. Music with Richard Taliafarro, Lee Anne Kruk, Carol Denney, Jack Chernos & friends.
The 2008 Laborfest Ferryboat Tour. To make your reservation: By E-mail: or call: (415) 642-8066, and leave your name, phone number and number of people in your party. You should send a check ($35) to LaborFest, P.O.Box 40983, San Francisco, CA 94140. We don't send you tickets, but we will either reply to your e-mail or call you back to let you know that we received your reservation, and as soon as we receive your check, your reservation will be confirmed. You will get your ticket at the pier before you get on the boat. We expect the tickets will be sold out quickly, so please make your reservation early. We thank the Blue & Gold Fleet for providing the boat, and the members of MMP and ILWU-IBU for volunteering their labor.

Monday, July 13th, 2009, 7:00 pm at the Kensington Public Library with singer Sharyn Dimmick. Two of the Bay Area's most original talents celebrate their new CDs with a free concert at the Kensington Library. Traditional & original songs for the discerning ear. 61 Arlington, in Kensington, CA. Call (510) 524-3043 for more information.

Saturday, July 4th, 2009, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Berkeley Marina with Steven Strauss.

Saturday and Sunday, June 13-14th, San Francisco Folk Festival political songs workshop and more.

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009 Freight and Salvage "The Riley Boys" CD Release with Steven Strauss, Kerry Parker, Jim Nelson, and opening with Paul Stowe ( touring from Germany.

Chalk and Chocolate Art Festival, Saturday May 30th, 2009 on Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley along with clowns, face-painters, and beautiful sidewalk art. Failure to Disperse will be at the corner of Cedar and Shattuck near Crepevine playing purely acoustic.

Point Richmond City-wide Yard Sale, Monday May 25th, 10:00 am to 11:30 am with Rodney Freeland, Tony Phillips, Marc Kartman, Kerry Parker, and masses of cheerful people trading stuff in their closets. The most insanely fun city-wide yard sale in the world.

Thursday, May 14th, 2009, 9:00 pm, Country Joe McDonald's featured performer at the community open mike he's been hosting for over a year at the Unitarian Fellowship at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, CA. Sign-up at 5:00 pm

Sunday, May 10th, 2009. Mothers' Day Celebration in the afternoon; part of a larger anti-war event at the Unitarian Fellowship at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, CA.

Sunday April 26th, 40th Anniversary of People's Park Concert at People's Park, between Haste & Dwight way half a block east of Telegraph Avenue with Terry Garthwaite, Country Joe McDonald, Wavy Gravy, Carol Denney (20 minute set at 1:00 pm), Phoenix, and more. Here is the line-up. Everybody come dance, sing, and celebrate kicking the University of California's ass for forty years. We will also be broadcasting by micropower at a signal to be determined later, so tune in if you can't make it, but make it if you can. You can help by posting the concert poster 40th Anniversary of People's Park Concert poster for Sunday, April 25th, 2009. and there's a poster with the week's worth of additonal events here.

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Got Free Speech? Panel discussion and community forum on the state of free speech at the Berkeley Public Library Meeting Room, 2090 Kittredge at Shattuck, Berkeley, CA 94704, sponsored by the People's Park 40th Anniversary Organizing Committee. For more information contact: (510) 548-1512,

ALSO! Tuesday, April 21st, 2009, 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, People's Park Poltluck and Folk Show featuring Darryl Cherney with Carol Denney and nefarious players to be named later including Ove Oftenness, Clyde Leland, Hali Hammer, and Vic Sadot. Come bring some food to share and, eat, sing, play, share stories about the park in honor of its 40th Anniversary this year on Sunday, April 26th.

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009, 8:00 pm at Strings, 6320 San Pablo Avenue (at Alcatraz), Emeryville's foremost acoustic showcase with Caren Armstrong. Strings is a volunteer-run membership-based listening venue dedicated to creating a unique musical experience for players and listeners alike. If you are reading this website, you are our guest, but please do not advertise. Donations at the door go straight to the artists, and potluck items to share welcome. For more information call (510) 653-5700.

Monday, March 30th, 2009, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Pirate Cat Radio 87.9 FM, Notes from the Underground Cafe San Francisco's Mission District micropower station's live music show hosted by Che-X & Tony Gonzales.

Noe Valley Farmers Markets first Saturday mornings with Kerry Parker and Failure to Disperse....

Birthday Celebration for Martin Luther King , Saturday, January 17th, with the Peace and Justice Center at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, 505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-494-0541 , email:, with Folk This! Our traditional sing-along celebration of social justice, bring instruments, win prizes, sing the new year in with us. The holiday street gigs...
December 13th,
Kiehl's Pharmacy, 1848 4th Street, Berkeley CA
December 20th, Elephant Pharmacy, 1607 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley CA
December 22nd, The Courtyard, 1795 4th Street, Berkeley CA
December 23rd, Virginia Bakery, 1690 Shattuck, Berkeley CA
December 24th, Mario's La Fiesta, 2444 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley CA
Strings, Wednesday, December 17th, the holiday benefit concertfor the East Bay's premier underground club. Strings is at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (1/2 block south of Alcatraz; unmarked French doors to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Armando's, Saturday, November 22nd, 2008 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm, acoustic venue with Hans Raag, Fender-Cronin, and special guests, 707 Marina Vista, Martinez, CA 94553 925-228-6985, call (925) 228-6985 for more information.

Freight and Salvage, Monday, November 10th, 2008, 8:00 pm, eviction defense benefit: Stephen Bell, Peppino D'Agostino, David Cronin, and Carol Denney in a benefit for eviction defense. Esteban Bello (Stephen Bell): a vituoso guitarist, playing in a number of styles including classical, jazz, flamenco, Brazilian, and Latin American. He has toured internationally, performed many hundreds of concerts nationally, and has taught in settings including guitar instructor at the prestigious Manhattan College of Music. He has studied with Andres Segovia, Julian Bream, and Narcisco Yepes, as well as Anzonini Del Puerto and Augustin Rios, both world-renowned gypsy master flamenco guitarists. He is also an accomplished and passionate vocalist, with a vast repertoire of songs in different forms and languages including Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Peppino D'Agostino: voted "Best Acoustic Guitarist" by the readers of Guitar Player Magazine in the 2007 Guitar Player Magazine readers' poll. Peppino has a long and distinguished musical history, leading from his childhood "obsession" with guitar in Italy, to performing in Carnegie Hall and concerts/festivals around the world. Along with his fingerstyle magic, he will occasionally add a beautiful Italian vocal song to his performances. David Cronin: performing for over 30 years, David has studied with many of the masters of the acoustic genre including Ed Gerhard, Alex De Grassi and Peppino D'Agostino. Carol Denney , Berkeley's exceptional guitarist, songwriter, concertina stylist, vocalist, and activist featuring a new song, "Where'd the Money Go? or, the Bailout Song."

Spud's Pizza, Saturday, November 1st, 2008, 8:00 pm at the corner of Adeline and Alcatraz in Berkeley: Carol Denney, Eric Von Radics, and Don Villa in a great listening hall for acoustic music with great pizza and beer, one of Berkeley's relatively new, exquisitely intimate venues.

Peace Rally, Saturday, October 25th, 2008, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Peace Rally, Saturday, October 25th, 2008, 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Say "Yes" to peace and social services at home at Civic Center Park (Provo Park), Martin Luther King Jr. Way & Allston near Berkeley BART and the Farmers' Market, with Daniel and Paticia Ellsberg, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Parenti, Mother Earth Tree Sitters, local candidates invited. Music: Annie and the Vets, Brazen Squirrels, Stephanie Hendricks, Carol Denney, Hali Hammer & others, plus theater and meditation. Info:, 510-841-4824 Or 510-495-5132. Sponsored by Social Justice Committee, Berkeley Fellowshp UU's.

Berkeley Partner for Parks Benefit, Sunday September 28, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm with various string band players. At Halcyon Commons Park, 1/2 block west of Telegraph Avenue and Prince Street.

Solano Stroll! Sunday, September 14, 10am - 6pm with Failure to Disperse featuring Jim Nelson on banjo and various nefarious conspirators on trombone disguised as fiddle, mandolin, bass, concertina or guitar. The theme is Stroll for Health this year, so dress accordingly (?) in scrubs. The nation's oldest, longest street party with music, food, costumes, and a parade. Bring your fiddle, join us, or just enjoy.

Strings, the premier underground club...if you have never been, you have a coveted special invitation from the artists for simply discovering yourself on this web site, visited by very, very few. Wednesday, August 20th, 2008, Carol Denney and Christy McCarthy, two of the most pre-eminent Bay Area songwriters, singers, and players. Strings is at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked French doors to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. Show starts at 8:00 pm. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Ashkenaz - Don't Mourn Celebrate the Life, Songs, and Stories of U. Utah Phillips, Friday, August 1st, 2008 - in Berkeley at 1317 San Pablo Avenue with The Labor Chorus, Rebecca Riots, Hali Hammer, Darryl Cherney, Carol Denney, plus Utah's music, stories, photos, videos, and everybody's memories. $10 donation to benefit Utah's Hospitality House Homeless Project in Nevada Country. Info: (510) 548-3113, sponsored by IWW, Earth First!, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarians, and KPFA.

Folk This! Tribute to Utah Phillips July 27 (Sunday) 7:00 PM (Donation) La Pena Cultural Center - 3105 Shattuck at Prince, Berkeley. Please join us for a tribute to a man who inspired and encouraged us, who wrote some of our best protest songs, and was one of our great storytellers and chroniclers of labor history. We will be joined this year by local songwriters Carol Denney and Clyde Leland, as well as by musical virtuoso Kerry Parker. Also on the program is one of the founders of Folk This!, Susan Appe, and we are looking forward to this reunion. Audience members will be invited to sing along, as "little red songbooks" will be provided. Please join us for an extraordinary evening to honor an extraordinary man. Join Folk This! and friends at a concert celebrating the life and music of Utah Phillips. Sunday, July 27th, 7 p.m. La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck at Prince in Berkeley. Admission $10, $5 for students, seniors and low income. No one turned away for lack of funds. This event is wheelchair accessible. For more information call 415-431-8485.

July 20 (Sunday) 6:00 PM ($35.00) at Blue & Gold - Pier 41, next to Pier 39 (Please note that the time and the location has been changed) TICKET SOLD OUT! Boat Tour - Building Bridges and Labor Maritime History
with music by Carol Denney, Marcus Duskin, and Kerry Parker. Join us for this evening cruise on labor history and also a close up look at the massive construction project of the eastern span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge. The skills of the iron workers, operators, carpenters, laborers, electricians and maritime workers who are building this monument are creating a vital link and beautiful artifact of the Bay Area. Joseph Blum who is documenting the construction of this project will let us know what is being done and how they do it. Also dinner will be provided. Join labor process photographer Joseph Blum, labor historians Gray Brechin, Tim Dresher, Harvey Schwartz, Iron Worker Local 377 member Michael Daly and others. We thank the Blue & Gold Fleet to providing the boat, and the members of MMP and ILWU-IBU for volunteering their labor. 5:45 PM Boarding, 6:00 PM Departure Tour last 3 hours

San Francisco Folk Festival June 21-22, 2008, noon-10pm, workshops, performances, dances, held at the City College of San Francisco, 50 Phelan Avenue, SF. All events are free and open to the public ...check it out at Catch Carol Denney at the cross-tuned fiddle workshop, the political songs workshop, the concertina workshop, the traditional singing workshop, the contradance....etc.

Memorial Day Picnic at the Treesit - Monday May 26, 1-5pm, Memorial Oak Grove, Music and Poetry Circle with...All Nations Drummers, Phoenix, Little Boy Blue Tom Skotarek, Carol Denney, Julia K, Miguel from Oakland, Cella, Gandharva Music, Ayr, Army of None Puppet Show, and more...!!

Rhythm and Muse Saturday, April 26th, 6:30 pm, featured performer Carol Denney at the unique nonprofit Berkeley Art Center, 1275 Walnut St.,, between Eunice & Rose Sts., behind Live Oak Park, 510-644-6893. Open mic sign-up 6:30 p.m., featured performer 7 p.m. Admission free, donations appreciated. Piano & two mics available. More info: 510-527-9753 or

Peace Symbol Golden JubileeWednesday, February 20th. CALLING ALL POETS AND MUSICIANS. The Berkeley Arts Festival and Peace for Keeps are pleased to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of The Peace Symbol with open poetry and folk music singalong Wednesday, February 20th--a full moon total eclipse at 7:45 p.m.--and Thursday, February 21st at the Festival Gallery, 2209-13 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, from 7-10 p.m. This is a benefit for the Central Committee for Conscentious Objectors. Poets and musicians are encouraged to honor the Golden Jubilee and conscientious objectors with 10-15 minute creative contributions.Tickets for audience members are $5 on up.To schedule and for further information, call Armin A. Legdon--aka Arnie Passman (510) 845-5481,

Birthday Celebration for Martin Luther King , Saturday, January 19th, with the Peace and Justice Center at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, 505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306 650-494-0541 , email:, with Folk This! Our traditional sing-along celebration of social justice, bring instruments, win prizes, sing the new year in with us.

Wednesday, December 12th, 8:00 pm, Holiday Benefit for Strings, the most exquisite underground music hall at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, Emeryville...for more information call (510) 653-5700...please do not advertise.

Sunday, November 25th, 7:30 pm, Benefit for Zachary Runningwolf's Recall campaign and the Oak Grove treesitters at Green City Gallery, 1950 Shattuck Avenue, the corner of Shattuck and Berkeley Way...

Tuesday, November 13th, 5:00 pm, Fiddlers for Peace and hundreds of artists at the Make Art Not War Sidewalk Show. Place, the Marine Recruiting Station, 64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA, bring your fiddle, your banjo, your trombone...

Sunday, Sept. 23, 3-5pm, benefit for Berkeley Partners for Parks and the Berkeley Path Wanderers. The Egret Center, Berkeley Aquatic Park.

Solano Stroll; Sunday, September 9th, 10:00 am- 6:00 pm with Failure to Disperse featuring Jim Nelson on banjo, Steven Strauss on bass, Kerry Parker on fiddle, Rodney Freeland on mandolin, and me on trombone disguised as fiddle, concertina or guitar. The theme is Going Green this year, so dress accordingly in hemp and bamboo. The nation's oldest, longest street party with music, food, costumes, and a parade. Bring your fiddle, join us, or just enjoy.

7:30 pm Sunday, July 29th, 2007, La Pena Cultural Center; Laborfest presents Folk This! and friends, including Marcus Duskin, Carol Denney, Steven Low, Robert Temple, Calvin Keaola. Support Laborfest, the monthlong annual celebration of local and international labor history and culture. 3105 Shattuck Avenue (at Prince), Berkeley, California. Admission: $10, student/senior/low income $5. For more information or advance tickets call: (415) 378-7235.

Strings, the premier underground club...if you have never been, you have a coveted special invitation from the artists for simply discovering yourself on this web site, visited by very, very few. Wednesday, June 20th, 2007, Undercover Night, where the show features beautiful but rarely heard material. Strings is at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked French doors to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

San Francisco Folk FestivalSaturday, June 16th, 2007, 1:00 pm with Fiddlers for Peace, a group of fiddlers, banjo players, gardeners, computer programmers, all instruments and non-instruments welcome to come and play whatever we can dream up for an hour of archaic anarchic awe in the interest of peace.

People's Park 38th Anniversary, noon until 6:00 pmSunday, April 22nd, 2007, with Country Joe McDonald, All Nation Singers, Stratosphere68 and more, learn what the university is up to now.

Noe Valley Farmers Markets first Saturday mornings with Kerry Parker and Failure to Disperse....

Strings, the premier underground club...if you have never been, you have a coveted special invitation from the artists for simply discovering yourself on this web site, visited by very, very few. Wednesday, April 4th, 2007, featuring Carol Denney, Skip Henderson and the Starboard Watch, and Eric Von Radics (of Buzzard Song, solo and with esteemed accompaniment). Strings is at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked French doors to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information. We are amazing.

Noe Valley Farmers Markets first Saturday mornings....

Birthday Celebration for Martin Luther King , Saturday, January 13th, Peace and Justice Center (650) 326-8837, ( at the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto, 305 N. California (at Bryant), Palo Alto, CA, with Folk This. Our traditional sing-along celebration of social justice, bring instruments, win prizes, sing the new year in with us.

Holiday Benefit for Strings Wednesday, December 13th, membership or by invitation only, a variety show with a huge cast of Strings players, come help raise some bucks for the Carnegie Hall of underground clubs at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Tree-sit to Save the Oaks Saturday, December 9th, 4:00 pm, near UC's Memorial Stadium with Country Joe MacDonald and various fiddlers for peace. The University has so much land to locate its fitness center that it makes no sense to destroy 43 live oaks older than the campus itself.

Telegraph Avenue Street Fair Saturdays, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, December 9th & 16th, 2006, corner of Telegraph and Durant, Failure to Disperse Acoustic Revolt and Road Show with Kerry Parker, Jim Nelson, Pat Reed, Kate Chaitin, Stephanie Prausnitz, and nefarious passers-by, bring your fiddle.

Friday, October 20th, to Monday, October 16th, 2006, West Virginia's Augusta Music Heritage Festival, and Fiddler's Reunion in Elkins, West Virginia. Old-time music the way you will never hear it anywhere else. I volunteer for the festival and so should you. You will never regret it.

Sunday, October 8th, 2006, People's Park, 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm, live music with the Funky Nixons, Failure to Disperse, Carol Denney. Come meet the family and stop the war.

Sunday, September 17th, Campaign kick off rally for Marge Atkinson and Joanne Wile, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Albany Community Center, Marin at Masonic in Albany. These are candidates who will protect and preserve the Albany Waterfront.

Find us at the corner of Neilson and Solano for actual live, unamplified music. Solano Stroll, Sunday, September 10th, 2006 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm, 3:00 - 4:00 pm, and 5:00 - 6:00 pm at Solano and Neilson (near Safeway) with Jim Nelson, Kerry Parker, and Steven Strauss playing old-time, folk, bring your fiddle and join us.

8:00 pm Saturday, August 19th, 2006 Works in Progress, join artists and art lovers at the Chamber Arts House for works in progress night, 2924 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705. Performers this month so far include Ross Halper and Eliza O'Malley, Carol Denney will close the evening.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival, in Elkins, West Virginia. Waltz Across Breakfast co-leader with R. P. Hale.

7:00 PM (Free) Tuesday, July 25th Irish Workers Cultural Video Night, Screening The San Patricios by Mark Day, music and poetry by Bob Carson, Carol Denney and others. Commemorate the anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising and honor the Irish workers who helped rebuild SF. Irish workers played a key role in labor and the reconstruction of San Francisco. Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Ave. at Sloat Blvd., (Across from SF Zoo main gate)

Fiddlers for Peace, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Sunday, June 25th, 2006 at the Long Haul's Cafe Night. The Long Haul is on Shattuck in Berkeley near the Starry Plough, across from La Pena. All instruments or no instruments welcome.

8:00 pm Wednesday, June 7th, 2006 Freight and Salvage, 1111 Addison, near San Pablo in Berkeley, with bassist Steven Strauss, fiddler Kerry Parker, and banjo/vocalist Jim Nelson. The premier folk club on the west coast, at least four new songs, please support live, poor, sparkling artists bringing it all.

Carol Denney standing with implements of destruction. Saturday, May 30th, 2006, Chalk and Chocolate Festival, 6 Degrees Restaurant (out in front) , , with the amazing Jim Nelson, the charming and astonishing Kerry Parker, and dozens of bobbing toddlers.

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006, Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco , with the amazing Jim Nelson, opening for the Black Brothers in a St. Patrick's Day celebration, 2700 45th Avenue at Sloat, call (415) 661-2495 for more information.

Saturday, March 11th, 2006, Cazadero Performing Arts Camp Benefit Auction , an effort to raise money to assist one of the oldest, most respected music camps on the west coast. Failure to Disperse will include Steven Strauss, Kerry Parker, Rodney Freeland, Pat Reed, John Blasquez, and Carol Denney, and play in the silent auction room 6:00 to 6:30 pm.

People's Park Anniversary, Sunday, April 23rd, 2006 Anchoring the southeast area of the park in an acoustic music exchange 12:00 to 5:00, bring instruments, play.

Friday, March 4, 2006 3pm - 7 pm At the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, near Dwight Way, Berkeley. Join us for the 7th Annual Bay Area Seed Interchange Library (BASIL) seed swap!
Seeds! Music! Food! Gardeners!
Bring and get locally saved seeds. Bring and play old-time instruments. This is a great way to meet other local gardeners and trade seed. Bring seed, envelopes and pens or just show up to get seeds with a commitment to bring seed back to the Interchange Library. Donations of seed to our Library helps nourish this exciting project dedicated to conserving genetic diversity of our planet's seed stock. Financial donations and plant starts for Seed Swap raffle are welcome. Cost: Free. Info: 510-658-9178.

Monday, February 20th, 2006 The gates of San Quentin, singing in solidarity with the ACLU Anti-Death Penalty Project.

Saturday, February 18th, 2006 on the sailing ship Balclutha at San Francisco's Hyde Street Pier, for the opening of "Shipping Out", Maria Brook's film about female sailors.

Saturday, January 14th, 2006, 7:30 pm Community Sing-Along with Folk This and friends, a birthday celebration for Martin Luther King, Jr. Bring your energy, enthusiasm, instruments, and sing songs of peace, labor, civil rights and utter revolt. Folk music with attitude from the people who really know how with refreshments. Proudly presented by the Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Housing (650) 327-1718 and the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (650) 326-8837 ( at the Fellowship Hall, 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, suggested donation $7.00 to $15.00.

Telegraph Avenue Street Faire, Dec. 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, northeast corner of Durant and Telegraph, bring your fiddle and help, it's getting cold...

Solano Avenue Holiday Faire, Dec. 4th, 5th, somewhere on the east end of the Avenue with the amazing Jim Nelson on banjo.

Fiddlers Reunion October 29-30th in Elkins, West Virginia.

Friday, October 14th, Berkeley Arts Festival "Words and Music" event at the Arts Festival Gallery on Shattuck in Berkeley. Readings, music, and an open mike opportunity for everyone. Come sign up and bring your instrument, or just enjoy.

Old Mill Days, October 8-9, 2005, at Bothe Napa State Park, where the restored Bale Grist Mill will really grind flour and cornmeal while you watch, and you'll hear the live acoustic music you would have heard during the 1800's. Bring your fiddle or banjo.

Sunday, September 25th, 2005, 2:00 pm, Freebox Celebration Day in People's Park, corner of Telegraph, & Haste Streets in Berkeley. Bring clothing to donate, clothespins, clotheslines, and home-made freeboxes if you can make some or if you have some boxes. Help restore the tradition of free clothing exchange in People's Park, and bring your fiddle.

Saturday, September 24th, 2005, 9:00 am to 9:15 am meet for Fiddlers for Peace contingent in the SF anti-war march on the west side of Berkeley's Ashby Bart Station, or just meet us in Dolores Park, where the march begins. Anyone welcome, fiddlers or not, and if you've never played before, grab a fiddle; this is your first gig. Bring water, good humor, don't worry if you get lost, it all works out.

Sunday, September 11th, 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Solano Stroll, the East Bay's oldest, best street party as Solano Avenue is closed off. Failure to Disperse (Carol Denney, Kerry Parker, Jim Nelson & hopefully Steven Strauss) will be at Neilson and Solano under our favorite tree.

Friday, August 26th, 7:00 pm, AK Press, 674A 23rd Street, Oakland, CA, Stephen Dunifer's latest book release on micropower radio.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival and old-time Fiddlers' Reunion, August 7th through 14th, Elkins, West Virginia.

Wednesday, July 13, 8:00 pm, Strings, the Carnegie Hall of underground clubs at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Monday, July 11th, 7:00 pm, "The War Abroad and at Home" Laborfest event at New College, 777 Valencia, San Francisco with Laborfest poets, singers, troublemakers.

Monday, July 4th, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, the Berkeley Marina Shorebird Stage with Kerry Parker and Kate Chaitin. Extra fiddlers welcome; let's jam old-time style.

Thursday, June 23, 8:00 pm, Freight and Salvage, 1111 Addison Street, Berkeley, Calif., the west coast's premier folk club, the best place to hear every inch of an acoustic performance, with Steven Strauss on acoustic bass, guest artists.

Saturday, June 18th, San Francisco Folk Festival main stage (Saturday evening), noon to 11:00 pm, Roosevelt Middle School, Arguello at Geary in San Francisco. Workshops and dancing starting at noon, come and play! The best jams are often in the stairwells. Workshop on political songs 5:00 pm Sunday, June 19th, and then let's dance.

Sunday, 12:00 to 3:00 pm, May 1st, Labor rally in Harry Bridges (Justin Herman) Plaza, San Francisco, keep the spirit of May Day alive with thousands of others through song and dance.

Sunday, April 24th, People's Park Anniversary in People's Park, 10:30 am Poetry Fish project (cardboard painted fish decorated with slices of poetry hanging from trees, an annual celebration of...well, something), 3:00 pm acoustic jam.

Friday, March 4th, 7:00 pm, Ecology Center Open Old-Time Jam and Seed Swap. Got seeds? Got banjo? Come on along and check out the music and the preservation and exchange of vintage seeds and plant cuttings at the Ecology Center, 2530 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, California.

Saturday, January 15th, 2005, 7:30 pm Community Sing-Along with Folk This and friends, a birthday celebration for Martin Luther King, Jr. Bring your energy, enthusiasm, instruments, and sing songs of peace, labor, civil rights and utter revolt. Folk music with attitude from the people who really know how with refreshments. Proudly presented by the Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Housing (650) 327-1718 and the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center (650) 326-8837 ( at the Fellowship Hall, 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, suggested donation $7.00 to $15.00.

Friday, December 24th, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California
Thursday, December 23rd, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California,
Tuesday, December 21st, in front of Foam Creations, 1120 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, California
Monday, December 20th, in front of Andronicos, 1850 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, California
Sunday, December 19th, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California,
Saturday, December 18th, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California,
Sunday, December 12th, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California,
Saturday, December 11th, Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair, Berkeley, California,
Sunday, December 5th, 3:00 pm, in front of Half Price Books at 1849 Solano Avenue,Berkeley, California,

Tuning is essential, and requires a lot of very exotic equipment.

Elkins Community Center,Tuesday, October 19th, 2004, Elkins, West Virginia, a benefit dinner for all breast cancer survivors.

Brazenhead Inn, Friday, October 15th, 2004, near Mingo in West Virginia.

Solano Stroll,Sunday, September 12th, corner of Neilson and Solano, 3:00 to 4:00 pm and 5:00 to 6:00 pm, the Bay Area's oldest, longest street party with music, food, crafts, parade, costumes, and general mayhem.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival, August 2nd through August 15th in Elkins, West Virginia.

Unconventional Cabaret 7:30 pm Sunday, July 25th, 2004, La Pena, 3105 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley, a kicking pre- Natl. Democratic Convention show with Folk This! and comedic guests, call (510) 849-2568 for more information.

San Mateo Unitarian Universalists Peace Action, 8:00 pm, Friday July 9th, 2004, 300 E. Santa Inez at Ellsworth in San Mateo.

4th of July Parade 11:00 am Sunday, July 4th, 2004, Calistoga, California, as part of the fiddling contingent of the Bothe-Napa State Park and Bale Grist Mill volunteers.

Fiddlers for Peace 2:00 pm Saturday, June 26th, 2004, Workshop at the San Francisco Folk Festival, fiddle-based jam, any instrument, any style, no style, whatever, get silly, goof off.

CD release Wednesday, June 9th, 2004, Freight and Salvage, 1111 Addison St., Berkeley, California, for the new studio recording "You Are Spending Too Much Money on Your Hair," with accompaniment from Steven Strauss and Jim Nelson. Steven Strauss' UKEBOX will play a short opening set. (510) 548-1761 for more information.

Chocolate and Chalk festival, Saturday, May 29th, 2004, Solano Avenue in North Berkeley/Albany, with Jim Nelson on banjo.

Fiddlers for Peace workshop, Sunday, April 25th, 2004, 2:00 pm, People's Park 35th Anniversary, bring an instrument and jam on fiddle tunes, any style, any instrument

8:00 pm, February 28, 2004, 2nd Annual West Coast Student Summit on Hunger and Homelessness, Pauley Ballroom, University of California, Berkeley

Thursday, February 19th, 6th Street Books, 7:30 pm, 144 Mission Street in San Francisco (between Mission and Howard, two blocks from either Powell or Montgomery Street Bart Stations) with Folk This!

"How Much Is That Doggy In the Window" jam in front of the meeting on the proposed canine patrol at ....Don't miss the auditions for the proposed Canine Patrol!

Bring your dog Wednesday, February 11th, 2004, 7:00 pm, to the West Berkeley Senior Center 1900 6th Street in Berkeley, California to audition for the canine unit.
"find and bark" dogs
"find and bite" dogs
dogs that speak German
dogs that like police
dogs that know right from wrong

Freight and Salvage benefit show "Shelter from the Storm", Wednesday, January 28th, 2004, benefit with Country Joe MacDonald for the Chaplaincy to the Homeless, 1111 Addison Street in Berkeley, California, call (510) 548-1761 for information.

Saturday, January 10th, 2004, 7:30 pm, Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Sing-Along with Folk This! at the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, $7- $15 sliding scale. Classic songs of the Civil Rights and Peace Movements and some just plain old favorites. No one turned away for lack of funds. Proceeds benefit the work of Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Housing and Peninsula Peace and Justice Center. For more information call MCFH (650) 327-1718 or PPJC (650) 326-8837. Bring your own instruments for the rousing "people's orchestra" finales.

Half Price Books, at the top of Solano Avenue, 3:00-5:00 pm on Monday, Dec. 22, Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, and Wednesday, Dec. 24th, for the Solano Avenue holiday entertainment, fiddle with Jim Nelson on banjo, come, sing, and shower us with money.

Strings Benefit, Wednesday, December 17th, a variety show with a huge cast of Strings players, come help raise some bucks for the Carnegie Hall of underground clubs at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

McGraths, Wednesday, October 1st, 2003, 8:00 pm, 1539 Lincoln in Alameda, California, with the incomparable Jim Nelson, banjo king, Larry Johnson on bass, David Strong on fiddle, and various nefarious guest stars. Old-time, sea chanteys, fiddle tunes, sing-alongs, originals, general foolishness, no cover, bring your fiddle. Call (510) 522-6263 for more information.

The Bistro, Monday, September 15th, 9:00 pm til 10:00, 1001 Main Street at B Street, Hayward.

Solano Stroll, "Imagine" Mile-long Block Party, Sunday, September 14th, 2003 on Solano Avenue in Berkeley/Albany, parade at 11:00 am. Our group (Carol Denney, Jim Nelson, David Strong, and the occasional Steven Strauss, who is double-booked at the Stroll) will play at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, and 5:00 pm at the corner of Neilson (next to Safeway) and Solano. We are "Failure to Disperse Acoustic Revolt and Road Show", the only acoustic band on the stroll for the sheer wondrous natural sound of it. Come throw us money.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival July 27th through August 10th, 2003 in Elkins, West Virginia.

Strings 8:00 pm, Wednesday, July 23rd, 2003, with Ove Michaelson and Van Rosay, check out the Carnegie Hall of underground clubs at 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Simple Pleasures Cafe, Friday, July 18th, 8:00 pm, 2003, 3434 Balboa (between 35th and 36th Ave), San Francisco, CA (415) 387-4022 for more information.

LaborFest Bastille Day event Monday, July 14th, 2003 at 7:30 pm at the South Of Market Cultural Center located at 934 Brannon at 8th Street in San Francisco...more details soon...

LaborFest Opening Night, Saturday, July 5th, 2003, South of Market Cultural Center, 934 Brannon, San Francisco, California.

Memorial for Kevin Freeman, Saturday, June 28th, 2003, march at noon from People's Park to 1:00 pm service at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley, California.

San Francisco Folk Festival, 2003June 21-22, 460 Arguello at Geary in San Francisco, CA. "Politics and Song" Workshop with Ramsey Kanaan and Susan Appe of "Folk This!", schedule to be arranged...

Wednesday, June 18th, 2002, Strings, 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, special benefit for Strings with an all-star lineup. Bring your friends, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Freight and Salvage show with John Palme, Jimmy Bruno, and Carol Denney, Tuesday, June 10th, 8:00 pm, 2003, 1111 Addison, Berkeley, California. Simply the best local songwriters on the same bill.

KALX, 90.7 fm, Tuesday, May 20th, 2003, noon till 12:30 pm,Ginger Lee's show on Women in the Arts.

Saturday, May 3rd, 7:00 pm, Berkeley Folk Festival, 2003, Malcolm X Elementary School, 1731 Prince Street, Berkeley, California, noon to 9:00 pm Saturday and Sunday, workshops all day and, for the first time, complete accessibility after a hard-won seven-year battle with all of the previous and even the current director...yes, it is a first.

Sunday, April 27th, Peoples Park, 2003, (Bowditch and Dwight Way), Berkeley, California. The yearly anniversary of the founding of Peoples Park, 12:00 noon to 5:00 or 6:00 depending on the weather and the police.

Saturday, April 26th, San Francisco City Hall steps, 12:00 noon, rally against the FCC, sponsored by Media Alliance, Global Exchange, CodePink, Jewish Voice for Peace, International Action Center, Network against Disinformation and others. For more information, 415-575-5555,

The Freight and Salvage, 8:00 pm, Wednesday, April 16th, 2003, CD release for "The Cruel Lullaby", with opening act Folk This!, 1111 Addison St., in Berkeley, CA. Discount advance tickets, call (510) 548-1761.

Vive la France picnic francais, 2:00 pm, Sunday, April 6th, 2003, Willard Park (Derby at Regent in Berkeley), my French, she suck, but join Fiddlers for Peace for a picnic anti-war salute to France. Bring French bread, French songs, French maid's costumes, French wine, French cheese, Joan of Arc, the Eiffel Tower, Charles De Gaul, speak French, French horns, haute couture, instruments, berets, etc.

Fiddlers for Peace, 8:00 pm, Wednesday, March 19th, 2003, candlelight vigil (plus fiddling) at the downtown Berkeley Bart Station in Berkeley to stop the war..this one may just be me but that's enough.

Fiddlers for Peace, 7:00 pm, Sunday, March 16th, 2003, candlelight vigil (plus fiddling) at the Ashby Bart Station in Berkeley to stop the war...

Women's Building Theater, "The Love Show" (it's free!), a tribute to work, love, and solidarity at the San Francisco Women's Building, Sunday, February 16th, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Featuring Carol Denney and Jim Nelson (Failure to Disperse), Folk This!, Samsara, Puppetarium, not to mention Marcus and Christy's 10th anniversary and Marcus' 50th birthday. Call (415) 431-8485 for more details. The Women's Building is at 3543 18th Street in San Francisco between Guerrero and Dolores.

Fiddlers for Peace, Sunday, February 16th, 2003,San Francisco march against the impending (but not inevitable) war with Iraq, meet between10:00 am and 11:00 am at the Vallencourt Fountain in Embarcadero Plaza in San Francisco, where we'll warm up and play a little. We fiddle for peace the whole parade, bring water and your case. We have a permit to stop the war. All instrumentalists/non-instrumentalists welcome.

McGraths, Tuesday, January 14th, 2002, 8:00 pm, 1539 Lincoln in Alameda, California, with the incomparable Jim Nelson, banjo king.

Martin Luther King Radical Sing-Along with Folk This!, Saturday, January 11th, 2002, 7:30 pm, Peace and Justice Center in Palo Alto, call (415) 431-8485 for more information, everyone welcome to bring instruments, play, and sing-- celebrate the best holiday we got.

Christmas Eve street concert..., Tuesday, December 24th, 2002, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, 1849 Solano Avenue in Berkeley in front of Half Price Books just for the sheer holiday hell of it.

Solano Stroll, Sunday, September 8th, 2002, corner of Nielsen and Solano Avenue (Berkeley/Albany) with the incomparable Jim Nelson, Skip Henderson, and David Strong, come join the wacky parade at the Bay Area's best, longest running street party.

Mock City Council, 8:00 pm, Tuesday, August 13th, and Tuesday, August 20th, 2002, at the Berkeley City Council Chamhers at Center St. and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenues in Berkeley, a theatrical production by George Coates and a cast of the foremost satirists and comedians in the Bay Area.

Augusta Music Heritage Festival in Elkins, West Virginia.

Radical Folk Show, Sunday, July 28th, 2002, with Folk This!, a CD release party at La Pena, Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley. Part of LaborFest...

SF Folk Festival, 2002

Wednesday, May 8th, 2002, Strings, 6320 San Pablo Avenue, (unmarked door to the right of the beauty parlor) Emeryville, CA, special line-up with musicians Jimmy Bruno and John Palme, special guests Jim Nelson. Want to hear the best, funniest, most unsung songwriters in the Bay Area? This is the show. Bring your friends, donations gladly accepted, please do not advertise. (510) 653-5700 for more information.

Wednesday, May 1st, 2002, Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission St @ 25th, San Francisco, CA, an international solidarity celebration with music, poetry, "May Day Struggle in Iran" first US screening, and more. Call (415) 282-1908 for more information or check

Sunday, April 28th, Peoples Park (Bowditch and Dwight Way), Berkeley, California. The yearly anniversary of the founding of Peoples Park, 12:00 noon to 5:00 or 6:00 depending on the weather and the police.

Sunday, April 28th, 7:30 pm, Benefit for the Middle Eastern Children's Alliance,Plough and Stars, 116 Clement St., San Francisco.

Thursday, March 14th, 2002, Freight and Salvage 1111 Addison St., in Berkeley, CA

Tuesday, February 12th, 2002, 7:30 pm Benefit for Krug wine workers, New College, 777 Valencia Street in San Francisco, California, all-star locals join traveling musicians to support Krug workers, locked out for six months.

Saturday, February 9th, 2002, Rhythm and Muse series at Berkeley Arts Center, Open mic sign-up 6:30 p.m., reading 7 p.m. Berkeley Art Center, 1275 Walnut St., between Rose & Eunice Sts., Berkeley, California, behind Live Oak Park. 510-644-6893. For more info: 510-527-9753 or 352-6643. Free admission; donations appreciated.

The Humbug Show, an utterly irreverent and even sacrilegious anti-holiday celebration, Saturday, December 15th, 2001, at Shotwell Studios, 19th and Shotwell, San Francisco, Calif. Featuring Folk This! and vast and dangerous amounts of audience participation...bring instruments and leap wildly into the fray.

LaborTech Conference, USF in San Francisco, Saturday, December 8th, 2001,

Homeless Rights Protest, 5:00 pm, Tuesday, November 13th, 2001, Berkeley City Hall, Martin Luther King Way at Center Street join BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency) and others to lobby the Berkeley City Council for more homeless services, and if you're game, join the sleep-out on the City Hall lawn to highlight the need for a public campground in Berkeley.

World Trade Organization Protests, Justin Herman Plaza, Friday, November 9th, 2001 Rally for economically fair and environmentally sound trade policies and a sustainable world.

MUD Campaign rally, SF panhandle near Golden Gate Park, Sunday, November 4th, Rally for a Municipal Utility District.

Tenants' Rights Rally, Thursday, November 1st, 2001, corner of Martin Luther King and University Avenue in Berkeley, California. Rally to help Michael Delacour and Gina Sasso in their tenants struggle.

"Undercover Song Night" at Strings, Wednesday, October 31st, 2001, 6320 San Pablo Avenue, Emeryville, California. Undersung songs celebrated and sung by local artists.

"Day of Dead Air Street Fair" on Sunday, October 28th, 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm, 2001, 8th Street near Dwight in Berkeley. Food, live music, and dancing, a conjunction of Day of the Dead and a recognition that there is nothing on the air waves sponsored by, among others, Free Radio Berkeley.

"How Berkeley Can You Be" parade, Sunday, September 30th, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, 2001, starting at University Avenue and Sacramento in Berkeley. Listen to the East Bay Accordion Circle float and you will suddenly find yourself in a dnagerous tango with a stranger.

Redwood Sequoia Congress, Saturday, September 29th, 2001, at 12:45 pm at the Unitarian Fellowship, 1606 Bonita Avenue in Berkeley. Human rights and environmental activists will gather in an annual blah blah blah...but at least Carol Denney and Darryl Cherney will sing funny songs.

Solano Stroll, Sunday, September 9th, between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, on Solano Avenue at the edge of Berkeley and Oakland in the East Bay. Hang with us; we're going to do an acoustic reconstruction of the Sells-Floto Traveling Circus pick-up band complete with as many adventurers as possible...bring your euphonium...

People's Park Memorial for Rosebud Denovo, 12:00 noon Saturday, August 25th between Haste, Bowditch, Telegraph and Dwight in Berkeley. Bring instruments, memories, and your love for the park in honor of the anniversary of the police shooting in 1992 which took the life of a warrior.

Gallery 21 Grand, Saturday, August 11th, 2001, 5:00 to 11:00 21 Grand Avenue in Oakland, California, between Telegraph and Harrison St. Metal reed fest in a rocking collective artists' space. Call (510) 444-7263 for more information.

Bay Guardian Block Party, Sunday, July 29th, 2001, noon to 6:00 pm 520 Hampshire in San Francisco, celebrating the winners' circle of the Bay Guardian's Bay Area best.

The Magnes Museum, Tuesday, July 24th, 2001, 7:00 pm 2911 Russell St. (near College) in Berkeley, a special show on time and timelessness.

The San Francisco Folk Festival, June 16th, 4:40 pm at the Cafe Stage (and Sunday the 17th, 2001) (check the schedule) don't miss this festival, the best example of what a festival can be if everybody gets to come and everybody gets to play. Come fall in love.

Benefit for Susan B. Rodriquez, Friday, June 15th, 2001, Unitarian Church in Oakland, California. Call (510) 528-6983 for more information.

San Francisco City Hall Steps, June 11th, 12:00 noon, with Elliott Kenin and bunches of bigwigs kicking off a campaign for public control of energy.

LISTEN UP!; Voices from the People's Movement, The Luggage Store, Friday, May 25th, 2001, 7:30 pm 1007 Market Street near 6th in San Francisco, along with labor poet Jack Hirschman, Sarah Menefee, Louise Vaughn, Scott Thompson, and a cast of nefarious roustabouts...

The Bolshevik Cafe 8:00 pm Saturday, May 19th, 2001, Finn Hall, 1819 10th St., Berkeley. A benefit for the Committees of Correspondence. Cafe opens 7:00 pm, show at 8:00 pm (food separate). Show donation $5-$15 sliding scale. Putting the social in socialist since the Reagan era (the emphasis is on humor).

Strings, Double CD Release Celebration, Wednesday, May 16th, 2001, 8:00 pm 6320 San Pablo Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608. Come to the East Bay's premiere underground house concert. One of the few places you can actually hear every note and nuance. Featuring Carol Denney, Philip Rosheger, and Megan McLaughlin.

People's Park, Friday, May 11th, 2001, :30 pm to 4:00 pm Celebration of a bunch of activists and homeless people making the Berkeley City Council declare 647J, the "trespassing" law, a very low priority; it ain't much but it's something and it matters. More on homelessness in Berkeley.

LaborFest May Day Celebration, La Pena Cultural Center, Tuesday May1st 7:30 pm, 2001, 3105 Shattuck (at Prince), a video screening of Sri Lankan "Slaves of Free Trade" by Yappa Kashyapa, poet Jack Hirschman, singers Carol Denney, Larry Shaw and The La Pena Choir. Also a report on Turkish hunger strikers and the general strike against privatization and IMF. $7 donation (415) 642-8066.

People's Park Anniversary Sunday, April 29th, 2001, noon until 6:00. People's Park is one block east of Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley between Dwight and Haste. Set time to be arranged...stay tuned.

Special concertina concert with Riggy Rackin, Tuesday, April 3rd, 2001, 7:30 pm, 2001 at Boaz Accordions, Sacramento at 67th in Berkeley. Two of the Bay Area's most innovative concertina players playing new and traditional music with plenty of singing-along. Riggy Rackin is one of the Bay Area's foremost concertina players, and both he and Carol have recently released CDs. Refreshments provided, $4.00 at the door, come early and pick up an instrument; life is too short not to play the accordion. (510) 845-1429 for more info.

Rally Against Tritium and the Tritium Labeling Facility Monday, 5:30 pm, April 2nd, 2001, North Berkeley Senior Center in Berkeley at the corner of Martin Luther King and Hearst. Community effort to support shutting down the Tritium Labeling Facility near the Lawrence Hall of Science.

PG&E Protest Saturday, March 24th, 2001, 1:30 pm Civic Center Park. Rally against PG&E in front of their headquarters (across the street) to oppose the bailout and support taking over the utility.

LaborFest "Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win" event Sunday, March 18th, 2001, 6:00 pm at La Pena, Berkeley. sing some tunes before the showing of an historic 1 hour 25 minute documentary on the May through June 1968 General Strike in France. Filmed from the point of view of militant workers in the factories by Jean Pierre Thorn. Both Thorn and general strike organizer and participant Jean Michel Normand will also be participating in a discussion following the film.

Benefit for San Francisco Liberation Radio, Friday, March 9th, 2001, at Cell Space in San Francisco, 2050 Bryant St. Reading by Richard Edmundson from "Rising Up", his book on micropower and political struggle in San Francisco. Also playing: Oria & the Gas Men, Chemystry Set, Mobius Operandi, Inch Connecticut. Call (415) 386-3135 for more information.

CD Release party, Wednesday, March 7th, 2001, 8:00 pm at the Freight and Salvage, 1111 Addison Street, Berkeley, Calif. Release party for the world at large, but especially welcoming all those who hung in there through the injunctions and the cancer treatments waiting for the recording that almost didn't happen. Special guests Folk This!, J.D. Nelson,and Rob Sherman on bass. $16.50 at the door, $15.50 in advance. For advance tickets call (510) 548-1761.

Monday, January 15th, 2001, 7:30 pm, Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Sing-Along with Folk This! at the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, $7- $15 sliding scale. Classic songs of the Civil Rights and Peace Movements and some just plain old favorites. No one turned away for lack of funds. Proceeds benefit the work of Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair Housing and Peninsula Peace and Justice Center. For more information call MCFH (650) 327-1718 or PPJC (650) 326-8837. Bring your own instruments for the rousing "people's orchestra" finales.

Saturday, December 16th, 2000, 8:00 pm "The Humbug Show" at Shotwell Studios, 19th and Shotwell, San Francisco, Calif. A satirical and sacrilegious view of the Christmas tradition with vast and unqualified amounts of audience participation, however dangerous this might be.

Sunday, December 31st, 2000, 8:00 pm, on New Year's Eve, the Strawberry Creek Lodge, 1320 Addison, Berkeley, Calif., (510) 841-8330. A sing-along with special guests to kick off the real new millenium with the most radical old-timers in the Bay Area.

Etc., etc., etc.

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