Award-winning lyricist, published poet, guitarist, fiddler, and concertina* stylist, "Fiddlers for Peace" founder, curator of the "Deep Poetry Project", and founder and editor of the Pepper Spray Times. 2004 honoree by the City of Berkeley for homeless advocacy, 2003 honoree for civil liberties activism through music, humor, and art by the Berkeley Commission on the Status of Women, winner of the East Bay Express' readers' poll "Best Solo Performer" for 2002, and selected as one of the San Francisco Bay Guardian's 2001 "Best of the Bay". Featured writer at the Centre for Political Song, Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland, microradio pioneer with Free Radio Berkeley, etc. Failure to Disperse Acoustic Revolt and Road Show ensemble and solo performances. Spiritual advisor and graphic production for the Best of Blasphemy project in Canyon, California. Published commentator in local and national fora. Proud part of the Folk This! extended family. Winner of the 2009 Oldtime Spirit award from the Augusta Music Heritage Festival, voted best female artist at PirateCat Radio in SF in 2010. Nominated to the Revolutionary Poets' Brigade by former poet laureate of San Francisco Jack Hirschman in 2010. Human Rights editor for Street Spirit newspaper. Inventor of the chairapillar. Crankie innovator. Organizer of the 2012 Olympic Sitting Competition. Contributing writer, songwriter and actor on the esteemed production of KPFA's former TwitWit Radio program, now in archives. Author of "They're Building A Pipeline" song which successfully, if temporarily, fought off the Dominion pipeline through West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. Just keep fighting. Co-founder of the People's Park Historic District Advocacy Group. Performing at Bay Area venues including...
Quinn's Lighthouse, November 20th, 2024, 8-10 pm Carol Denney with James Nelson and friends. 1951 Embarcadero, Oakland, California.
Saturday, October 16, 2024, Irish Music Retreat at Blackwater Falls. Carol Denney and Angela Campbell playing for dancer Kathy Fletcher at the Blackwater Falls Inn at the state park in Blackwater Falls, West Virginia.
Saturday, October 5, 2024, noon to sunset, Carol Denney and Katie McClain play on the Randolph County Democratice Party float for the Forest Festival in Elkins, West Virginia.
Celebration of For All on Saturday, September 28, at noon PT. For All is an anthology of poets connected to the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. Online link is here Enjoy.
Saturday, 7:00 pm, September 14, 2024, Beat Museum in San Francisco with the Revolutionary Poets Brigade. Book launch and reading of contemporary poetry and song, free, including Adrian Arias, Mahnaz Badihian, Lisbit Bailey, Lynne Barnes, Virginia Barrett, Judith Ayn Bernhard, Charles Curtis Blackwell, Romeo Alcala Cruz, John Curl, Lucille Lang Day, Carol Denney, Mauro Ffortissimo, Luis Garcia, Rfael Jesus Gonzalez, Martin Hickel, D. L. Lang, Kirk Lumpkin, Karen Melander Magoon, Sarah Menefee, Tureeda Mikell, Edward Mycue, Barbara Paschke, Gregory Pond, D.A. "Roarshock" Wilson, Kurt Schweigman, Kim Shuck, Raymond Nat Turner, Michael Warr, Cathleen Williams, Nellie Wong, Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis, Andrena Zawinski. Everybody welcome. The Beat Museum is at 540 Broadway (at Columbus). 1-800-537-6822 for more information.
Monday, 11:00 am, September 30, 2024, North Beach Library at 850 Columbus Avenue in San Francisco. Poetry and song celebration joining 100,000 Poets for Change across the globe. 415-355-5626 for more information.
Sunday, 3- 5 pm April 7, 2024, People's Park Teach-in and Tunes Storytelling Circle hosted by David Axelrod and Carol Denney, ( we can stay later if we need more time for participants), Art House Gallery, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, Donations of snacks and beverages to share welcome. Donate what you can for the door, we want the hall to stay healthy and raise what we can for the park's defense. Got a story about People's Park? We want to hear it. Got a tune or poem about People's Park? We are all ears. David Axelrod is one of People's Park's original gardeners and attorneys who was the field coordinator for People's Park's native plant garden in the east end, the first of its kind, a participatory, UC-accredited native plant garden which illustrated all nineteen biosphere's of California's unique ecological landscape. Free maps of the design for everybody. People's Park Cartoon Chronicles available at a discount.
Saturday, April 27, 2024, Strings show with musicians Carol Denney, Steve Baughman, and David Cronin. Strings is a membership club, so if you're not a member contact me (510-548-1512 so I can put your name on the list for the night, glad to do it. More information about Strings at (510) 653-5700, address at 6320 San Pablo Ave, Emeryville, 94608, 1/2 block south of Alcatraz on San Pablo Avenue, street parking nearby is pretty good and it's right on the 72 busline. This show I get to share the stage with two of my favorite people and favorite players whose guitar styles are completely unique, as is mine. We are guitar nerds with an exponent of 10. And then we jam.
(Photo to the left) Jim Nelson, Jack Chernos, and Carol Denney played for the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, then just went down to the water's edge and jammed with the fishes.
They're Building A Pipeline has a page with the lyrics and there's a Youtube slideshow at
Help preserve the wilderness in West Virginia by writing a letter to FERC - info here
...also a song called "Don't You Want to Live in Yuppieville" is on Youtube at:
Carol Denney with Frank Buffum at the Freight linked here at
...and also a song called "Dump Your Boyfriend at Christmas" --to be used only for extreme cases.
"Where'd the Money Go? the Bailout Song", an ode to the bailout with special thanks to Alan Greenspan, featured on National Public Radio, available for free download for those who just can't help making fun of old Hank Paulson who loves you very much and only wants what's best for you anyway.
Click here for the PG&E song,
How to Make a Cardboard Traveling Crankie Theater and delight the world.
Some crankies on YouTube, for frame of reference:
"Like a Taser Touched for the Very First Time" Laborfest Video:
The Pepper Spray Times will make you wise and beautiful.
February 2025 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
January 2025 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
December 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
November 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
October 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
September 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
August 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
July 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
June 2024 issue of the Pepper Spray Times.
The Best of Blasphemy, a project carefully guided to fruition by its spiritual advisor and co-writer Carol Denney, is available at .
Laura Drawbridge's original Free Radio Berkeley transcripts.
Drop the SLAPP-Suit: The Real News About People's Park. The real improvement to People's Park isn't anything physical, and they won't let you talk about it.
Life Is Much Better in Jail
Favorite moments in media.
Click the concertina for information without which you may well perish.
Some people can't get enough gratuitous commentary.
You can email your orthoepic observations to "
cdenney (at) ."
A book, "The Inner Life of Pumpkins". For the bargain price of $5.95, a serious book which took years to write and research.
alternatively titled Write the Check and Shut Up.
How to Build Your Own Concertina , a step-by-step instruction for beginners.
"It's Not Police Surveillance; It's Love"
Politics gets funnier as it goes along.
New, Enhanced Rules for People's Park
"Bob's Blankets", A short story in remembrance of Bob Nichols.
"Save the Trains - Stop the Politicians"
"For the Gates, a song for San Quentin"
"Another Puppet Committee, or, The Canary in the Freebox"
Don't think for a minute that Berkeley has free speech; it depends on who you are...1-17-05
"What's going down now in People's Park: donate clothing, get a ticket - how Berkeley can you be?"
A Simple Music Lesson.
The Deep Poetry Project...The the money spent on Berkeley's most recent
"arts district" project brought about the "Deep Poetry Project", poetry about holes, to highlight the disparity between Addison Street's poetry-pocked sidewalks and west and south Berkeley sidewalks, laden with the essence of evocative art, the hole...
Politics is always worth thoughtful contemplation.
10 Myths About the Freebox in People's Park.
Song for Kevin Freeman, killed in jail for no reason.
Myths about political songs.
The short story of micropower radio.
Don't miss our novel feature, the Poetry Corner.
The Simple Ways to Improve the World page.
"Fiddlers for Peace" page.
Homelessness and the 647j campaign in Berkeley.
Paraleiptic Audio Analysis. The seminar which will change your life, make your bed, and do your laundry.
Observations on World News. Commentary for the bewildered.
The SLAPP-Suit.
The People's Park free speech anomaly still unresolved.
Your personal Permit to Stop the War. Be sure your friends have one.
The Pepper Spray Times. The newsletter for the very brave.
Bio of sorts.
Click the writing hand for critics' comments.